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Mod overview 2/2022 – Part 1

Hi guys. Here my first part of my Mod overview for Feb. 2022. I’ll try to keep it short, so let’s begin with the usual general Mod related news since the last month. New Mods / Updates:I did it! No new Mod since my last overview. Don’t even know if there was a month before without a new one since I’m doing these overviews! For those wondering why the count of my made Mod’s was still growing since the last time (it’s now 79) – I’ve missed one or two in the last few months.… Read More »Mod overview 2/2022 – Part 1

Mod overview 1/2022 – Part 1

Hi guys. Here again my first part of my Mod overview, the first one for 2022. Since the last overview there was also a mini-anniversary for me (two years of making game Mods, since the end of December 2019). I would never have thought back then I would still do that two years later… But I still have much fun doing that! Let’s begin with the usual general Mod related news since the last month. New Mods / Updates:I know it sounds like copy/paste, but again I tried to not add new projects – and… Read More »Mod overview 1/2022 – Part 1

Mod overview 12/2021 – Part 1

Well, already the last Mod overview for 2021! Hopefully 2022 is getting better in some parts (covid), also in this year I lost family members, too. So it was not easy sometimes. But there where good times the past year also, and I keep them as a kind of a “template” and start positive into the next year. But I’m already starting to ramble again, let’s begin with the usual general Mod related news for the last month. New Mods / Updates:This month I tried really hard to not add to many new ones. So… Read More »Mod overview 12/2021 – Part 1

Short news in between

I thought I’ll do a news post in between with some actual infos, here we go: Server problems on F95zoneSince yesterday (at least for me) there are massive problems to reach this site. Seems to be a server/internet issue there, there are already some posts from other users regarding that, too. Hope this get fixed soon. Homepage issueI’m also having some problems with my page with the Mods a few weeks now, seems it’s getting to big or something. Or there is some wrong code in it since my Inet issues also some weeks ago.… Read More »Short news in between

Mod overview 11/2021 – Part 1

We are approaching Christmas faster and faster, only a good month to go. Somehow the time flies by. I feel the same as well with some Mods: I just made an update for one, and there’s already a new release available for it. Enough rambling: as usual now the general part of my monthly report, a short time later the overview of my current mods again. New Mods / Updates:Sometimes it feels like the famous New Year’s sketch: “The same procedure as every month…”. Of course again some new Mods in the last month. Still… Read More »Mod overview 11/2021 – Part 1

Mod overview 10/2021 – Part 1

The year is progressing rapidly, we have already passed middle of October. Well, last month was “average” in terms of the number of Mod updates and launches. But don’t worry, I certainly didn’t become bored! Let’s start again with the “general” news of my overview 10/2021. And also as usual I’ll post my actual Mod list in the next day(s). New Mods / Updates:There were (again) some new Mods in the last month. And one of them is a bit special, because it’s actually not a “normal” Mod for me: I ported the comic Breaking… Read More »Mod overview 10/2021 – Part 1
