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Mod overview 2/2022 – Part 1

Hi guys. Here my first part of my Mod overview for Feb. 2022. I’ll try to keep it short, so let’s begin with the usual general Mod related news since the last month.

New Mods / Updates:
I did it! No new Mod since my last overview. Don’t even know if there was a month before without a new one since I’m doing these overviews! For those wondering why the count of my made Mod’s was still growing since the last time (it’s now 79) – I’ve missed one or two in the last few months. Now I’ve included them.

On the other hand, there were more updates than ever before in a month: If I counted right there were Mod updates for 20!! games since the last overview.

Stopped Mod’s:
Unfortunately this time I had to stop 2 – maybe even 3 – Mod’s. And two of them are big ones for me: Halfway House and maybe Hillside. Both are close to my heart, the decision to continue or not extremely tough.

With Halfway House I already struggled when the game got music/audio itself with EP6 mid 2020. Now with EP9 all old parts where completely text corrected, there isn’t even one line without changes. I would have to restart my Mod for that again. And since the link to my Mod page on F95zone was kicked on the game thread (don’t know why) I decided to stop it now. Too bad. This was actually my “oldest” active supported Mod, too (I started it in Dec. 2019, my second Mod I’ve ever tried)

For Hillside I still have to decide: according a post from the dev the game will probably get – with one of the next versions – it’s own music. I’ve made a post on F95zone with some more infos here.

The last one is my recently started Mod for the game With Rain comes the Flood, it also got it’s own music with the last update.

Again nothing new here – and that’s also again good news! It seems that most of my Mod updates in the last month were well received. Maybe also again my Mod for Guilty Pleasure and Oh Daddy are the ones with the most views/downloads, but there are also others with count’s I could not have dreamed of some time ago.

A Big Thanks again to the ones following me here on my Homepage. And of course a Special Thanks to my Patrons. Well, that reminds me of the negative things last month…

Patreon… Again like in 2020 I got an email that some (most) of my content there is against their rules! Funny, they marked even Mods for games which are also on Patreon, too… I deleted now most of my posts there and won’t post Mod updates to avoid that shit. Therefore I am all the more pleased that actually all of my Patreons are still there! Again a BIG THANK YOU for that!

Also: the game Daddy’s Little Girls got (again) kicked on F95zone, probably also again because of the (admittedly heavy) Loli content in it. And I fear now that 23 Sisters from the same dev is “in danger”, too. I have no clue / don’t know what to do with my Mod’s for these games if that persists…

What’s next:
Well, of course again the “ptolemy” games, The taming of the brat and Rebirth should get updates this weekend. Maybe also in the near future: Grandma’s House or Inertia. Don’t worry, I won’t get bored…

So, this was the first part of my Mod overview 2/2022. And hopefully the second one with the actual alphabetic Mod list is following soon in the next days.


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