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Mod overview 5/2021 – Part 1

It’s that time again for the monthly report. And finally one with not too many new Mods from me. Actually this month was a bit “quieter” then usual, but after the turbulent months before I do not mind at all. But there is still enough for you to share with – and I do that as usual: here’s my first part with the “general” news of my Mod overview 5/2021. And in the next day(s) I’ll post my actual Mod list.

Updates/new Mods:
Two new Mods this month. A small one for the short game demo Pleasureville. The other one was for the hilarious new game SexBot. Maybe not as cracy as “23 Sisters” the month before, but also really funny. Talking about 23 Sisters: this game got several releases meanwhile. I think I’ve done 5 Mod updates this month for it, and this week maybe comes the next game release… I really hope the dev doesn’t burn out from working so much on the game.

As mentioned at the beginning, it was otherwise relatively “quiet” this month. The almost usual Rebirth and also Guilty Pleasure had new releases, furthermore there were updates for Sun Breed, Free Pass and Picture Perfect, which will be finished soon (only one ending is left). And since I had a little extra time I made a Mod update for Hillside too and added a replay gallery.

Stopped Mod’s:
I haven’t really stopped a Mod this month, but for two I’m not sure if I continue: the latest update for the game Free Pass had about 50! new game variables added. I already createt a new word for that in my Mod thread: “overvariabled”. Well, not all of them are really used in the game so far, but still – that’s way to much for me.

The second one is maybe a surprise, but somehow I just lose the desire to continue there in the future: Where The Heart Is. More infos in the Flops section.

This time for me in the month’s Top: Guilty Pleasure. It’s not the download counts alone (well, they were good, too), but for me it’s how the game has progressed. As some maybe know I already canceled my Mod for it because of the second game update (the party…). But I reactivated it again with the already better following third game update. And now the latest update v0.4 was really good though, I liked it. .

Also positive: in the last overview I listed Rebirth as a kinda flop – funnily enough, when the EP3 started shortly after, everything was ok again, actually better than usual.

Also again three new patrons on Patreon! Well, I can’t think of anything new to say other than really, really thank you for your support.

As already said in the “stopped Mods” section, Where The Heart Is was a kinda flop this month. Please do not misunderstand, the game itself is still very good! (but I haven’t played it some time now). It’s more the main game thread on F95zone that seems to be not that modder friendly… I already had my bad experiencesis at the Mod start some time ago (my Mod post was deleted two times there, first one without a comment, the second time I got the message I should not post it in this thread). Well, and this time I (my Mod) was blamed for some players game issues without any proof… Well, maybe in time I’ll calm down again and continue anyway, we’ll see.

Some sad news also from the dev of the game Inertia. It seems he/she is struggling at the moment with health issues and family problems. Of course it’s way more important to solve that then doing game updates. Therefore I wish all the best to the dev and get well soon.

What’s next:
The final update from Picture Perfect should arrive this month. And I really hope the health issues from the dev of Hillside are solved and he can finish the next game update soon.

Also next: of course there are the usual game updates like Rebirth (it’s expected this weekend)

And who would have thought that: the Unleashed update is getting finished and should also be released soon (well, it actually should have been released last weekend, but a few days more don’t matter now anyway).

So, this was the first part of my Mod overview 5/2021. The second part is (hopefully) coming soon.


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