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Mod overview 6/2021 – Part 1

Well, it’s time again for the monthly report. I’ll keep it a bit short this time, because this weekend seems to be a “stressfull” one regarding my Mods. So let’s start with the “general” news of my overview 6/2021. And as usual in the next day(s) I’ll post my actual Mod list.

New Mods / Updates:
Again two new Mods this month: The Unbroken (from the dev of “The Writer”) and Daddy’s Little Girls (from the dev of “23 Sisters”). I couldn’t resist both of them, since I already made Mods for their other games. And there go my resolutions to not make any new ones…

And this month also had many Mod updates, too. If I counted correctly, there were updates for 14 games – puh! Yes, Unleashed was updated too! Really, no joke! And with Under the Moonlight (well, this was a short one) and Picture Perfect the next two projects with games in progress were finished.

Stopped Mod’s:
I didn’t stop one this month, and hopefully it will stay that way.

Well, this month I think most of my Mods had really good download counts. Worth highlighting: TP – The Class Next Door, A Wife and Mother and also Guilty Pleasure. But again, almost all were very well received. So a big thanks to all the users of my Mods.

Also again new patrons on Patreon! Well, I can’t think of anything new to say other than really, really thank you for your support.

As far as I remember there wasn’t really a “flop” this month. Here too: hopefully it will stay that way.

What’s next:
As already said this weekend seems to be quite “eventful”: I already had two Mod updates and also a new one, too. And the weekend is not over yet: Hillside should have been released already, and the monthly Rebirth will probably come today as well. I certainly won’t get bored…

So, this was the first part of my Mod overview 6/2021. The second part is (hopefully) coming soon.


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