Age: a very old fart
Height: in contrast to ants really huge
Weight: I could use a weighbridge, so…
Hair: tends between grey and invisible (and a little bit dark brown is also left)
Some facts about my game Mods:After playing some (many…) adult games I started making Mods for them in Dec. 2019 – basically I wanted to add music and sound for those that don’t have one. Later I’ve begun to also integrate some more functions like status screens, cheating functions and walkthroughs to my Mods, too. Funny thing: mostly they are needed for myself to test my audio addons…
But: don’t expect too much, I’m still a complete newbie in doing that, especially in “programming” in Ren’Py.
Some facts about my photoshoped pictures:I’ve been doing image editing/manipulation quite a while now, I think the beginning was in the early nineties (yes, in the last century / millennium). But only myself as a hobby, not as professional.
Hey Koga, Was just wondering if you could do an android port for the completed Living with Temptation titles or if the already exist.
Thanks for all you do!
Hi. Unfortunately not really games for me (sandbox, not my preferred game style)
But I have seen a port on F95zone for “Living with Tempatation” here:
Appreciate it koga. Thanks
Hey KoGa3,
Could you port the game ‘Sexual Void’ to Android, ’cause there are almost no games in the “JOI” category. Epic ports though.
Hi. Unfortunately not possible fro me (and probably most other porters, too), since this is a game made with Unity. I only can do RenPy games.
Hey I was wondering if you could mod and port cursed Affection I love your ports your work is great
Hi. There is already a port here:
Hey koga, don’t do the Ravenous part II mod anymore ? TIA
Check here:
Thank you !!
Hey koga, Any plans to do a port/mod for Family Faring ? Thanks in advance for your answer.
Not really, there are already others making Mods and Android ports for this game
as I just saw it:
the link to “serenity” under this and that points to “long road home”.
Thanks for the info, I fix that
Hey KoGa , I am playing your far off friends Mod. But I can’t get the gallery code can you please help me
Hi. When entering the code there actually should be a hint from me for the correct one. And you must type it in exactly!
It should be: Guess Who’s Back
Hey Koga I’m getting a error message with the radiant game mod for andriod, I’m sure it’s episode 6 after taking Olivia out for a date at the restaurant when back at the motel
Is it also with the latest Mod/port version? I made a bugfix to v0.7b1 where I actually tried to fix that issue.
Hi yeah still with mediafire version should I try the other?
Download from pixeldrain and issue is sorted so it’s the mediafire 1 that still has issues
Hey koga3 firs of all you’re the best.
there’s a game called Isekai Pardise if you can create a mod for it. and also this game contain exclusive scenes only for subscriber. thank you bro.
Hey KoGa3, Just wondering if you’ve considered doing a cheat mod for the android port of Wifey’s dilemma revisited or if you know of anyone that is currently working on one?
Many thanks for all your hard work
Hi. Unfortunately since the rework it’s not a game for me anymore (not a big fan of sandbox/free roam gameplay). Have not seen anyone else doing a mod for it either. Only a (not updated) PDF walkthrough is available on F95zone
Hallo KoGa3 hatte mit Risen5 kontakt. Er sagte es gibt von Young Again eine deutsche Übersetzung die im Spiel integriert ist. Spielgeladen instaliert – deinen Mod dazu wie immer gut, aber das Spiel ließ sich nicht umstellen auf Deutsch. Hab Risen5 angeschrieben, er sagte bei ihm ist es umzustellen – ok – neu geladen und installiert. Ohne Mod gestartet und siehe da es ließ sich umstellen. Danach den Mod installiert, aber leider sind Teile in Deutsch oder Englisch. Kannst du dir das mal ansehen?
Hallo. Leider von meiner Seite aus nicht möglich, ich habe mit Übersetzungen überhaupt keine Erfahrung. Alle meine Mods sind nur gemacht und getestet für die Spiele in englischer Sprache.
Bro, will you port the three chapters of we’re nudists?
Hey Koga, in the color of my sound mod, i accidentally set quick menu settings to OFF, and now i cant access the mod… is there a keyboard key or reset option to open the mod menu again?
Hi.You can open a “basic” mod menu with that setting included in the games preferences. Or on PC/Windows you can also use the shortcut key “Shift” + “k” while playing the game
Shift + K worked for me, thanks a bunch!
Hi Koga, would you port the last chapter of Young Again?
When it’s public probably yes. So far it’s still the early release, only for Patrons available
Hey koga , it would really be great if you could port Officer Chloe to android, it’s a finished game
The one I found on F95zone with that name is not possible for me. I only can do RenPy games, this one is a RPGM game (which would be probably unplayable on Android without a keyboard anyway)
Hey Koga I’ve seen Living Together by Advent Games has several updates but none in Android. It’s Renpy I believe. Hopefully they will get there but just curious if that was on your radar for the future? Thanks!
Sorry, but have to pass on this one. Not really interested on grinding games
Hey Koga can you update android port of Defending Lydia Collier.
Hi. The latest beta version is an own short game for testing. It can’t be updated/added so far to the existing main game. It even has an own save location to not interfere/mess with it. It’s imo better to wait for a port when this test content gets added to the main game.
Hi koga I am a fan of your works you are practically a hero for us androids user since playing vn to this date I have a problem of saves on almost every game except a few can you please 🥺 help me man to how to keep my old saves even after uninstalling the game it would be a huge help from you and thanks 👍 for your work and mods
Hey Koga I was just wondering if you were going to update The Home of Pleasure?
Hi. I never had a Mod or port for that game. Since it seems to be a sandbox game (not a fan of that gamestyle) I am not really interested in it.
You ported it in November. No biggie though.
Ah, thanks. Have completely forgotten I had a Mod/port for the first game release. Now I remember, the game got a big rework late Nov. last year (game v0.1.1). Was not a big fan of it and therefore stopped my Mod/port back then again.
I Want Discussion about the game name I Forgetting.
1st Game(In that game, a boy lives with his mother, aunt, and sisters. He has a relationship with all the members of the house.They move to a new house that also has a swimming pool and garage.There is also a girl painter in the game Who lives above the house, the boy shares a room with her sister.And in a few scenes, the boy is also seen with his friend’s mother..)
Hi koga are you going to update the mod on the game: How I became a hero.
Hi. I only have an Android port for this game. I updated the port already today, it can be found here:
Thanks. I didn’t get the notification that’s why I asked.
Hi- I wanted to ask if you would be interested in doing a mod or take over a mode for Karlssons Gambit?
Hi. Unfortunately I have to refuse here. I never played the game myself, and with already having a season 2 it’s way to progressed for me. Picking it up now would probably mean to discontinue other Mods from me because of the needed time for it.
But I think to remember that another modder wanted to continue the Mod from Sancho, maybe check the F95zone game thread for that.
Hi. Sorry to bother you. I gotta ask though.
I’m trying to play intertwined, the damn game freezes at the exact same point and then crashes, no matter where I download it from. Pixeldrain, apkadmin, koga3. Doesn’t matter, same result. I play on Android.
Just wondering if you had any idea on how to get past this one part. I was able to get through once, before the v0.13 update.
I had a quick check, that scene from Ep2 you posted is before a bigger animation is following. I actually already removed two or three even bigger ones myself in my port because of that.
Unfortunately this game is using a method for the animations which is quite “demanding” for the hardware, especially on Android phones/tablets. I fear if you already have troubles that early in the game you maybe will have even more later on, too.
I found a way past this, if it happens to anyone else…
Just press and hold skip until “skip to next choice” pops up..
Then just back it up.
Hi Koga, will you be updating The grey dream? The update recently came out on f95. Thanks
I’ve seen it. But the Mod I add in my port isn’t updated so far.
Ah okay. Anyway thanks for the hard work 👍
Hi Just wondering if your still updating nephilim
Yes. But the latest game release is not available on F95zone or other sites so far. I guess it will be there mid to end January
Hey Koga3, don’t know if you take request here, but thought I’d give it a shot in case. Found a vn called “Little Green Hill” that’s enjoyable so far. However it’s not on f95 due to rule reasons I’d imagine. And it could do with a mod like yours that adds music, cheatts, and maybe a gallery? Honestly no pressure, understand if you’ve just got too much on your plate or simply aren’t interested enough in the vn to make a mod. It’s available to download for free on the devs subscribestar, “Director Games”
Hi. I try to at least check most of the requests.
About yours: unfortunately I have to pass on it. I actually step back a bit for those resticted games, it’s getting to risky already. I try to continue the ones I already have ports (SSP / …Alyssa), but not add new ones for now
Totally understand. Bummed the censored version got taken down from f95. But it’s all good. Thanks for your other mods!
Hello Koga3… Thanks for your mods..please mod (straitened times) this game…with Gallery unlock..Please.. Thank you AGAIN.. ❤️
Hi. This game already has multiple Mods on F95zone, even a gallery unlocker. For me actually no need to start another one.
If you mean an Android version the porter “Estrada777” is doing that game with Mods included (but it’s not updated so far to v0.57)
Thanks for the reply but there is no gallery unlocker…Please
I checked now the game. But for me a unlocker is impossible.
The game is doing it completely different then usual. The gallery scenes are CREATED while playing the game. I can’t unlock it before since it doesn’t even exist until you played that scene first.
Sorry, I have to pass on this one.
Always love for your hard work❤️❤️
Hi Koga, can you do a walkthrough mod for celebrity hunter?
Hi, but I have to pass on this game. It is coded in the developers native language (maybe spanish, not sure). Adding there usual WT hints I normally do would brake the english translation for the game.
Do you have a new port for it’s not a world for alyssa 1.7?
That version is not available so far on lewdcorner my port is based on.
Life In Santa County MOD Please
Sorry, I don’t mod/port that game.
But there is already another one making a Mod for it anyway (available on F95zone) + Android port with the Mod, too.
Thank You Very Much
Hallo KoGa3 kannst du für Monster College Ver.1.0.0 eine gutes Mods kreieren? Zinake scheint keine Zeit zu haben oder hat es “abandoned”
Hallo. Wurde schon ein paar mal hier und auch auf F95 darüber gefragt. Muss da aber leider passen, für mich ist das leider nicht möglich. Das Spiel ist in der Sprache des Entwicklers (glaube es war italienisch) programmiert, da kann ich leider keine Mod dafür machen.
Merry Christmas Koga, or whatever you celebrate this time of year. Thanks for all of the postings that you provide to us all year long.
Is there a mod for Agent17? I need it
(link removed/KoGa3) is the latest for Nephilim. I’m a patreon. If you would be so kind as to port it my good man.
Please no game leaks here! I will do the update when it’s public or available on other sites like F95zone. Thanks.
Ich bekomme es nicht gebacken Grandma´s House zu starten. Habe die Saves heruntegeladen und in den Ordner: Game/saves gepackt. Trotzdem kann ich nich starten er will immer Auto-save part 4
Well, if BE’s port already has issues I better not waste time on it to make another one. His ports are normaly really good, I therefore assume it’s not easy to do it. Also the game has actually an own port, you maybe could try that one first.
Hey man, can you do a android port of dessert stalker with some gallery mod?
Hi. Not needed to start a new one from me. I found at least two ports already here:
– Desert Stalker [v0.17.1.1 Steam] [Zetan] + Adan/Ripson Multi Mod
Grandma’s House is out brother
Bro the home of pleasure game v0.2 has released can you make Android version
I also want to make MOD please help me
I only can give some hints for you, there is no simple “how to” for that. And keep in mind I only can help for game Mods made with the RenPy game engine. First you need some basic “skills”. You have to know a little bit about the script files for games (the files with the ending “rpy”) and how you can adapt/edit them. Some knowledge about RenPy would be helpfull, too. Try to use easier games at first. Also check how others do their Mods. Again use some easier ones first like some simple WT Mods. Mine are unfortunately… Read more »
The Missing Part Ch1 by jPk is gonna be released in a couple of days. The prologue was extremely emotional. Can you please port that when it is released? Thanks Koga
Really enjoy your work. Wondering if you know why no one has ported Daughter For Dessert over to android? Seems like would be popular, no?
Daughter for Dessert is popular, at least it was back then. The missing port is probably because it uses an own game engine. Most porters including me only can do RenPy games
Hey Koga can you port The Bite : Revenant? Looks like an interesting one. Thanks
Hi. The porter “E7” (Estrada777) is doing that game. He will probably update it soon anyway.
There is now also an already updated port from Blackeye, too:
Hey Koga can you make a compressed version of OmiSt? The original is over 2gb.
I made a quick one, available here:
Ahh thanks so much~!
hi KoGa, I know you have a lot to do, but could you please make the mod for maids to please, since we haven’t heard anything from Sancho in a while. Thanks a lot
Hi. Unfortunately I have to pass here. Mostly because I actually can’t see what I could add in my Mod what is not already available in the main game anyway (the choice hints with the game points, the textbox option and so on). Or could be done with other Mods like URM / UGU (universal gallery unlocker), too. I don’t play the game myself, unfortunately have way to less time already. Only can play a few games anymore. Therefore could not make advanced WT hints because of that, too. And I also would not even have the coding skills to… Read more »
HI Koga, do you think you’re able to upload just the replay mod for the Alyssa game for PC please? The one on LC seems to be dead? When you click it, it just takes you to a blank screen. Thanks!
Hey Koga Can You Make Mod Version Criminal Attraction v1.0.2 Please
Hi. There already exists a Mod and also a port with the Mod for that game, available on F95zone
Hey Koga would you be able to make an android port for Tribulations Of A Mage?
Any port I’ve found doesn’t work. After installing the ports and opening the game the game just crashes and closes, was wondering if yiu could make a working port?
Unfortunately not possible for me, the game is already to big. I’ve seen even the available compressed game download is almost 4GB. But for making a working port it must be under 2GB.
Any chance of you doing a That New Teacher Mod/Port with the i-patch?
Thanks in advance for your response.
Sorry, I won’t touch that game anymore, lost all the interest in that thing.
(I actually had a Mod/port some time ago for it, but I and my Mod got kinda banned/muted in the F95 game thread for imo silly reasons).
But I’m pretty sure there is a port available from one of the other porters anyway.