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Mod news/overview 12/2023 – Part 1

Hi. It’s time again to do my little Mod overview, and already the last one for 2023.

New Mods / Updates:
Again no new “full” Mod project last month. But quite some new “Quick Mods/ports” (10!): All That’s Left of Me, Radiant, Being a DIK, Lovely Neighborhood, Striving Forward, After That Night, Summer Falls, Banking on Bella, Lust Theory Season 3 and Baddies Inc. Have to admit I am not sure I will be able to maintain all of them in the future. We will see.

Last Month also a bit more updates then usual, 11 for Mod projects and 16 for the Quick Mods/ports (not counted as usual the “double” updates last month)

Finished Mod’s:
Not really one, except my Mod for the already finished The Escort. The game was enhanced a bit and I updated therefore my Mod for it, too.

Stopped Mod’s:
Maybe the Mod for Etlina’s Principle since my Mod for it has unfortunately a little bug and I therefore set it to onhold for now.

In short: a paste/copy from the months before. Mod downloads are again impressive, the site here and my Discord are quite frequented. And of course again a big, big THANKS to my Patrons.

Nothing I can remember for last month. Let’s hope it stays so.

My Mod projects summary:
– 108 Mod projects all in all
– 27 games/Mods are already finished
– 20 Mods are unfortunately stopped/onhold by me
– 26 games are onhold/stopped/abandoned itself
– 35 are for games and Mods still in progress

Summary of the Android ports/Quick Mods:
– 103 quick Mods/Android ports (73 ongoing / 10 finished / 20 discontinued)

So, this was the first part of my Mod overview 12/2023. And since it’s actually Christmas day and also the last overview for 2023:

Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year 2024!


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7 months ago

Thanks Koga3 for all that you do, because it’s appreciated. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

7 months ago

Hope you had a great Christmas mate and thanks for all the hard work you have done
