I’ve made a Mod for the new game Such a Sharp Pain. I got a suggestion to take a closer look for a possible Mod. And I liked the game so far, looks very promising! And already very hot content, too. For me this could be a really big one in the future.
Info: the game has loli content in it. The main game is actually censored but my Mod is based on the patched version (patch available on F95zone, please install it before my Mod). So again: If this is not to your liking better don’t play it.
June 2, 2022 – Attention!
The Mod for this game is actually on hold since the dev announced to add music himself and also add later a WT, too. But I did at least now a compatibility Mod update for the new game release. The music of course is only for the old game part, the new one has already orig. music integrated. I did a quick WT update for the new part this time again, but be aware that I probably not maintain it for newer releases when the orig WT is added then, too.
July 30, 2022
The new v0.3 got leaked today on F95zone (not sure if it can stay there since it’s the uncensored version). After a very quick check the mentiond walkthrough seems to be integrated now. Not sure about the music in the old parts, but as said above it’s better to stop that Mod now.
Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod functions: music, jukebox, walkthrough, rename, add.settings
Old download links removed
any chance you will bring back the walkthrough mod please?
There is no need anymore, the game has an own walkthrough already integrated.
I still have a litlle gallery unlocker Mod for this game here: https://koga3.bplaced.net/android-ports-only-quick-mods#Such-a-Sharp-Pain
thanks alot for replying
so there are no right or wrong answers in the game, or any choices that could affect anything?
Of course the choices are still quite meaningfull, also the game has different routes.
But what I meant was the game has now a walkthrough Mod made from the developer himself already integrated in the game (you can activate it in the settings). Therefore I stopped mine.
oh, i got it now, though i always enjoy yours whenever you do one
thank you again for replying and for your effort
Could you bring the game house of shinobi chat
Hi. Seems the game already has an own Android port anyway.
Also no Mod from me for it. The gameplay is sandbox, I actually avoid them mostly.
Does anyone have an invitational code for lewdcorner registering?
hey sorry i rarely download games and am basically a tech noob. im not sure whats going on.
1. are the mod and the game not the same? does that mean that i just have to get the newest game version and am set?
2. is 0.8R the newest version?
3. how do i make sure i have the version that has everything in the game? most importantly that its uncensored
Hi. The version 0.8R is the latest version so far. I actually don’t know about any other “censored” version anymore. The v0.8R therefore does have all the content.
This Mod post here is outdated, I moved the latest Mod for this game into the “Quick Mod / Android ports” section here: https://koga3.bplaced.net/android-ports-only-quick-mods#Such-a-Sharp-Pain.
For PC you can download there the Mod only if you already have the main game yourself or also a download with the game (compressed) and already integrated Mod, too.
Newbie,what’s the best site to access games, for example such a Sharp pain.Ta.
It’s in my latest Mod post here: https://koga3.bplaced.net/android-ports-only-quick-mods#Such-a-Sharp-Pain
Download link
Hi. It’s actually in my post, but here you go:
Hi Koga, seems like all the links are down. Both for the PC compressed and both for the Android port. Thanks
I’ve re-uploaded the files.
Thank you very much!
why is the mod stopped?
Hi. It’s because the game has now already all of my former Mod functions on it’s own: walkthrough, music, more game settings, all already integrated in the main game. Even a gallery is planned to be integrated later, too. So a Mod from me makes no sense anymore. I still made Android ports so far, but not sure to continue them either since the developer has made lately also ports.
Ah I see… Thanks for the reply!
where can I get the newest version? f95 only has 2.31r
I’m stupid, ignore my last post
On F95zone the uncensored game version is not allowed. The dev is currently doing a censored version for that reason, probably with a patch to get the cutted scenes back. But it’s still in developement. The uncensored one is alread out now some days for subs. My Mod download has it already included since it’s a “complete” download with integrated Mod. If you want the unmodded game you can find it on SVS comics (but very slow downloads) or on Lewdcorner (but you have to register there).
Will there be a mod or patch to get the Tiffany scenes back?
Bit of a shame you’re stopping, bit hard to find the patched android version elsewhere
Hi. Maybe I can do an Android port from the uncensored version when the game is “officially” leaked on F95zone or released to the public. We will see.
Hey, love the game, love the mod, but it’s missing a gallery, so that we can rewatch scenes, can you add it to your next patch?
Thank you for your time and work
Hi. Well, that’s a bit “tricky” to answer. As said in my post above I’m not even sure to update my Mod again since the developer is adding most of the Mod features now already into the main game, too (music and some add. game settings are already in there, a walkthrough is in developement). And there was already a replay Mod from someone else on F95 for the first game version, too! But it actually wasn’t desired back then (no downloads according his post), so he stopped it. But maybe he’s doing it again since the game got popular… Read more »
shach a sharp pain new update
Hello. I’m not sure for your question, but if you mean a Mod update: the Mod only from me is stopped because the game itself has already most of my former functions like walkthrough, music, game settings on it’s own. So far I do updates for my Android port of the game, you can find it for the latest game release v0.4.14R here: