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Game review “Intertwined”

I only tried this game by chance at that time (yes, I looked at the girls…) and expected only average results. But already with the first versions I was positively surprised. In the meantime it is one of my favorite games and would definitely rate it with 5 points today.

Quick note: I’ve made a Mod/Addon for this game, more infos in my Mods section

Original review from June 26, 2020 on F95zone:

The game is a big surprise for me. Actually I expected an average game: the plot is not new and the models of the girls
are a mixture of well-known ones of the last years. But then you start the game and – all this is forgotten. Because this
is very well implemented, the story is told fluently and there are also funny moments. For a game in this early stage
there are already some really hot scenes in the game, but fortunately it didn’t turn into a stupid “fuckfest”. The
dialogues are very natural, as the whole thing seems to be all of a piece. And the usage of the well-known models for
the girls surprisingly is also no disadvantage anymore. Somehow the dev must have found the right time for them, I
really enjoyed the “reunion” with these models – looks like I missed them already… Also the renderings are very well
done, the models have a natural look and the mimic and gestures are fitting.

So there’s nothing bad at all?
Well, there are a few little things: The animations are ok and getting better, but a few more frames would of course be
nice. And the limitation to 9 pages for saves is hopefully just an oversight. Also, there is no original music/sounds at the
moment – well, I couldn’t resist and made an Audio Mod…

All in all a really successfully start and an also very good 2nd update.
(tested game version v0.2)

added Sept. 24, 2020 / KoGa3

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2 years ago

Also this game intertwined hmmm. I guess I’ll wait for the dev to finish the game for me to start playing it again. I mean don’t get me wrong the game is pretty nice and heavily story based and stuff but I just can’t put myself getting a cliffhanger again and again it’s pretty annoying for me specially if it’s super story base like this game right here. So yeah story wise I guess I give it an 8 out of 10. The mc on the other hand hmmm

2 years ago

This is actually the first time I found your site and all I can say is your mods and android port are awesome. (Don’t mind me just looking for some mod games you Ported.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Mrdud