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Mod update for “Grandma’s House”

Short note:Updated my Mod and port for the new game version v0.69 of Grandma’s House. Info: v0.69 is the start of game part 5. You need the save from the end of part 4 to continue (were it said “Save Now”) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HEREMod functions: Walkthrough, renaming, add. settings, named saves / Taboo Patch already included Download WT Mod(incl. Taboo Patch) v0.69WT (1MB)Pixeldrain – MediaFire New: the former music Mod variant is replaced with a Music Add On.Also new: you can place now own tracks into the music folder (max. 60)or… Read More »Mod update for “Grandma’s House”

“A Wife and Mother” Android ports – update

Had now some time to play around with the Android ports for the new AWAM releases, the finished Part 1 (v0.151) and the new one for Part2 (v1.60). But as already said in my main Mod post the transfer from Part 1 to Part 2 in Android does not work so easily and caused a bit headache… But: I could at least now modify the two parts so that you can create a special transfer file at the end of part 1, copying it to part 2 manually and importing that when starting a new… Read More »“A Wife and Mother” Android ports – update

Mod update for the game “Couples”

I updated my Mod and Android port for the new available game version v0.28 of Couples.Info: the game download on F95zone is already the “extended” Version, no need for the images addon from me this time Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HEREMod functions: music/jukebox/cheat/walkthrough/renaming/add. settings Download Mod v0.28 (~52MB)WorkUpload – MediaFire Android port from the game compressedwith integrated Mod  v0.28a (~930MB)Workupload – MediaFireInfo: I uploaded the port again (new: v0.28a)the old one unfortunately had missing images Some ingame pictures of the Mod:

Updated my Mod for the game “Reconnections”

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Short note:Updated my Mod and port for the new game version v0.15. Link to the F95zone game page HERE and Link to my Mod post there HEREMod functions: WT+, cheats, music, jukebox, add.settings, renaming, named saves, side image toggle Download Mod v0.15 (~15MB)Workupload – MediaFire Android port from the game compressedwith integrated Mod v0.15 (~110MB)Workupload – MediaFireInfo: please uninstall a previous port from me first (the RenPy version has changed), saves should be kept. Some ingame pictures of the Mod:

Mod update for the game “Where the Heart is”

The game Where the Heart is got a new update to Season 1 Rev 1. That should be now actually the final Season 1 version (the rework of the former EP1-~EP10 content). I updated my Mod and port asap, too. Since there is now fully integrated music I removed mine now from my Mod. Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HEREMod functions: status, cheat, rename, activated the hidden ingame WT Download Mod S1 Rev 1 (~1MB)Pixeldrain – MediaFire Android port from the game compressedwith integrated Mod S1 Rev 1  (~1GB)Pixeldrain – MediaFireInfo: please uninstall a… Read More »Mod update for the game “Where the Heart is”

Mod update for the game “Going for Goal”

Short note:The new version v0.10 of the game Going for Goal is available, I updated my Mod for it asap, too. Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HEREMod functions: walkthrough/add. settings/renaming/named saves Download Mod v0.10 (~3MB)Workupload – MediaFire Android port from the game compressedwith integrated Mod v0.10 (~360MB)Workupload – MediaFire Additional downloads: Saves from the end of each game chapter(on save page 1 and up)MediaFire Some ingame pictures of the Mod:
