Here my updated complete alphabetical list of my Mods projects I’ve made and released.
So far there are 109 Mod projects from me! 33 games/Mods are already finished, 24 Mods are unfortunately stopped/abandoned/onhold by me, 28 games are onhold/stopped itself. The remaining 24 are for games still in progress
Mod projects list (with newest update first) HERE Since 10/2022: A download section for quick Android ports / Mods HERE New since 9/2023: A complete List of all Mod projects and quick Android ports / Mods, available HERE
Updates since Dec. 1, 2024:
– Dec. 11, 2024: Mod update for the game Couples (Mod version v0.28) – Dec. 14, 2024: Mod update for the game Grandma’s House (Mod version v0.69) – Dec. 20, 2024: Mod update for the game Grandma’s House – College Days (Mod version v2.0) – Dec. 21, 2024: Mod update for the game Intertwined (Mod version v0.13) – Dec. 22, 2024: Mod update for the game Tomboy Supremacy (Mod version v0.8a) – Dec. 24, 2024: Mod update for the game A Wife and Mother (Mod version v0.215) – Dec. 25, 2024: Mod update for the game Guilty Pleasure (Mod version v0.43) – Dec. 25, 2024: Mod update for the game Ms. Denvers (Mod version v0.875WT)
List of my Mods: (in alphabetic order):
23 Sisters (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: April 9, 2021 Latest update: Version v1.0Final / Feb. 4, 2024 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version Mod functions: music/jukebox/walkthrough/renaming/gallery unlock/add.settings Link to the F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0Final (~570MB) Pixeldrain – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.twentythreesisters”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Additional Downloads: Game saves at the end of chapter 1-13 (with using the Mod, at game save page 20+) MediaFire
A Diplomatic Mission (Mod is stopped)
Mod started: June 3, 2021 Latest update: Version v0.1 / June 3, 2021 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (v0.1) Mod functions: music Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod started: March 13, 2021 Latest update: Version v0.04 / Mar. 13, 2021 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (v0.04) Mod functions: audio/music/jukebox/cheating Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE
Mod started: January 5, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.13aWT / Feb. 26, 2024 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (Part 13) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE Mod functions: walkthrough/cheat/renaming/music (QuickMusic)/add.settings
Android port of the compressed game (“PLUS” version) with integrated Mod v0.14aWT (~760MB): Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.amotherslove” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
A New Beginning (game is abandoned)
Mod started on Sept. 27, 2021 Latest Version: v0.14 from May 2, 2023 Mod status: 100% – finished Functions: music, audio, jukebox, renaming, add. settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.14 (~259MB) Workupload – MediaFire Info: seems unfortunately the saves on Android are – at least for me – again not working. I made therefore at the start of allmost all chapter starts (1-3 are combined) ones. Download link below in the spoiler.
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.anewbeginning” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
Download Android saves start of chapter 1-14 (on save page 1-2, 2MB) MediaFire
A Second Chance (Mod is stopped)
Mod started: Oct. 16, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.4 / Oct. 16, 2022 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (v0.4) Mod functions: walkthrough/info screen/gallery unlock/renaming/add. settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.4 (~508MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.asecondchance”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
A Petal Among Thorns (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: Aug. 18, 2021 Latest update: Version v6.0.2 from Nov. 19, 2023 (v5.1.0 / April 29, 2022) Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (v6.0.2 and v5.1.0) Mod functions: walkthrough, gallery unlocker, jukebox, add. settings, renaming, named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod and port for the new, remastered game version: Download WT/Unlocker Mod v6.0.2 (~3MB) Workupload – MediaFire
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v6.0.2RE (~305MB) Workupload – MediaFire Info: please uninstall a previous port from me (changed the RenPy version), saves should be kept
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.apetalamongthornesremaster” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
Mod and port for the old game version: Download Gallery cheat Mod v5.1.0 (~3MB) Workupload – MediaFire
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v5.1.0 (~654MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.apetalamongthornes” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
A Wife And Mother Part 1 (Game/Mod finished) + Part 2
Mod started: December 30, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.215/ Dec. 24, 2024 Mod status: 100% – finished for Part 1 (game version v.0.151) and Part 2 (game version v0.215) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE Mod functions: music/status/cheat/walkthrough/add.settings
Part 1:
Mod version with cheating and walkthrough Download link Mod only v0.151WT (~9MB): Workupload – MediaFire
Mod version with cheating, walkthrough and additional music Download link Mod only v0.151AudioWT (~134MB): Workupload – MediaFire
Part 2:
Mod version for game Part 2 with cheating and additional music (walkthrough is already in the main game) Download link Mod only v0.215AudioWT (~56MB): Workupload – MediaFire
Mod started on Dec. 29, 2021 Latest Version: v1.0 from Dec 1, 2022 Mod status: 100% – finished Mod functions: music, jukebox, walkthrough, cheat, rename, add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0 (~294MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.accidentalassignments”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Amber’s Secret Lover (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started on Dec. 16, 2020 Latest Version: v1.0 from Dec. 16, 2020 Mod status: 100% – finished Functions: music/jukeb. Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod started on May 8, 2021 Latest Version: v1.0 from Jan. 25, 2023 Mod status: 100% – finished for the actual game version v1.0 Edit Oct. 6, 2023: also compatible to game v1.01 Functions: gallery unlocker Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Mod started: Oct. 22, 2020 Latest update: Version v1.0a / Oct. 22, 2020 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (pre release) Mod functions: music/jukebox Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod started on Apr. 2, 2021 Latest Version: Mod Ch10P1WT, from May 13, 2024 Mod status: 100% – finished for the actual game version Chapter 9 / Part 2 Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE Mod functions: music, audio, Jukebox, cheating, renaming, walkthrough, gallery
Attention, since Ch8Part2 I had to remove some Mod functions and also stopped the Android port (not compatible anymore to the changed RenPy version of the game)
Mod started on June 19, 2022 Latest Version: v0.5f from Mar. 7/9, 2023 Mod status: 100% – finished for the actual game version v0.5f Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE Mod functions: walkthrough/add. settings/named saves
Music player add on with tracks sorted in moods + a main menu track (~144MB) (main Mod must be installed also) MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.5f + music addon (~235MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.blackdiamond”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Blairewood (Mod is stopped)
Mod started on Nov. 3, 2021 Latest Version: prologue from Nov. 3, 2021 Mod status: 100% – finished (for game prologue) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE. Functions: music/jukebox/add.settings
Mod started on April 11, 2023 Latest Version: v1.0a from June 12, 2023 Status: 100% – Game/Mod are finished Link to the F95zone game page HERE Link to my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: walkthrough, gallery/RePlay, add.settings, named saves
Download game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0a (~166MB) MediaFire
Android port from the compressed game with integrated Mod v1.0a (~148MB) MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.boho”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Breaking Boundaries (Game/Mod finished)
Ren’Py port started on Oct. 2, 2021 Latest Version: v1.0 from Oct. 2, 2021 Status: 100% – finished Link to F95zone comic page HERE and my Game post HERE. Functions: Ren’Py port, music, jukebox, renaming, add.settings
Mod started on Jan. 10, 2021 Latest Version: v0.4-aio from April 23, 2022 Mod status: 100% – finished Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE. Mod functions: cheating/rename/gal. unlock/walkthrough (from ShaddyModda)
Android basic port from the game compr. with Mod v0.4-aio (~558MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.burieddesires”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Busted (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started on Dec. 16, 2020 Latest Version: v1.0 from Dec. 16, 2020 Mod status: 100% – finished Functions: music/jukeb. Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod started on Sept. 1, 2022 Latest Version: v0.28 from Dec. 11, 2024 Mod status: 100% – finished for the actual game version v0.28 Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: music/jukebox/cheat/walkthrough/renaming/add. settings
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.28a (~930MB) Workupload – MediaFire Info: I uploaded the port again (new: v0.28a) the old one unfortunately had missing images
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.couples”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Corrupted Love (Mod is stopped)
Mod started on Dec. 12, 2021 Latest Version: v0.7.1c from June 27, 2023 Mod status: 100% – finished Mod functions: music, jukebox, add.settings, walkthrough+/WT+, cheating
The Mod is stopped, I removed now the download links.
Dark Fate Chronicles (Mod is stopped)
Mod started on June 26, 2021 Latest Version: v0.2part1 from May 17, 2022 Mod status: 100% – finished Mod functions: music, jukebox, status screen, cheating, add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod started on June 19, 2021 Latest Version: v1.0b from Sept. 24, 2022 Mod status: 100% – finished Functions: music/jukebox/status/cheat/walkthrough/add.settings/gallery unlocker Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE Info: the game thread there is unfortunately down, more info and a main game download in my post here
Download game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0b (~370MB) MediaFire – Pixeldrain
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0b (~353MB) MediaFire – Pixeldrain
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.daddyslittlegirls”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
DDL – Daddy Daughter Love
Mod started on Aug. 14, 2021 Latest Version: v0.054 from Dec. 22, 2023 Mod status: 100% – finished Mod functions: music, jukebox, walkthrough, rename, add.settings, named saves Link to the game page on F95zone HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.054 (~330MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.daddydaughterlove”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Defending Lydia Collier (Mod is Stopped!)
Mod started: July 30, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.9 / Feb. 1, 2021 Mod status: Stopped! Mod functions: music/jukebox/status screen/cheating/renaming Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE
Attention, the Mod is outdated and NOT compatible to game version v0.9.1 and above!
Download game v0.9 slightly compressed with integrated Mod v0.9 (~423MB) MediaFire
Detective Necro (Game is abandoned / Mod is stopped)
Mod started on Aug. 5, 2022 Latest Version: v0.55 from June 15, 2023 Mod status: 100% (for the game version v0.55hotfix) Mod functions: walkthrough, gallery unlock Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.55 (~560MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.detectivenecro”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Endless Summer (Game is abandoned / Mod is stopped)
Mod started: Aug. 23, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.23 / Jan. 6, 2023 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (v0.23) Mod functions: walkthrough/rename/add.settings/named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.23 (~514MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.endlesssummer”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Excluded (Game is abandoned / Mod is stopped)
Mod started: May 15, 2022 Latest update: Version EP2 / Aug. 6, 2022 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (EP2) Mod functions: music/jukebox/rename/gallery/walkt./add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod EP2 (~81MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.excluded”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Mod started: July 12, 2023 Latest update: Version v0.50 / Oct. 26, 2024 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (v0.50) Link to the F95zone game page HERE and Link to my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: walkthrough, WT+, cheating, add.settings, renaming, named saves
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.50WT (~180MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.expectations”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Extra Credit
Mod started: July 3, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.9b / Aug. 9, 2024 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (v0.9b) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE Mod functions: music, jukebox, cheating, add.settings
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.9b (~345MB) Workupload – MediaFire Info: please uninstall a previous port from me first (the game’s RenPy version has changed). Saves should be kept
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.extracredit”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Fall Flavor (Mod is stopped)
Mod started: June 13, 2023 Latest update: Version v0.1a / June 13, 2023 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (v0.1/demo) Mod functions: walkthrough, replay, add.settings, renaming, named saves Link to the F95zone game page HERE and Link to my Mod post there HERE
Android port from the game with integrated Mod v0.1a/demo (~69MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.fallflavors”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Going for Goal
Mod started: May 15, 2023 Latest update: Version v0.10 / Nov. 12, 2024 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (v0.10) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: walkthrough/add. settings/renaming/named saves
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.10 (~360MB) Workupload – MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.goingforgoal”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Additional downloads: Saves from the end of each game chapter (on save page 1 and up) MediaFire
Grandma’s House
Mod started: Oct. 14, 2021 Latest update: Version v0.69 / Dec. 13, 2024 Mod status: 100% – finished for actual game version (v0.69) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE Mod functions: Walkthrough, renaming, add. settings, named saves / Taboo Patch already included
New: the former music Mod variant is replaced with a Music Add On. Also new: you can place now own tracks into the music folder (max. 60) or also remove some tracks there if you want. Installation info: install the WT Mod from above first, afterwards the add on
Android port from the game compressed v0.69 with integrated WT Mod and Music add on (~160MB) (incl. Taboo Patch) Pixeldrain – MediaFire
Still the little “warning” for Android users: Similar as before the new Android port for game part 5 is installed as an update. That means the part 4 content will be replaced. So befor installing it be sure to have the save at the end of v0.68 (the one saying “Save Now”), you need it to start v0.69 and up.
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.grandmashouse”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Optional: If needed here a save from the beginning of v0.69 (on save page 1) MediaFire
or also from every game chapter end v0.69 and up (starting with save page 1) MediaFire
Mod for game Part 4 / v0.68:
download links Part 4...
Download Mod with WT (incl. Taboo Patch) v0.68WT (1MB) Pixeldrain – MediaFire
Second Mod version with WT and jukebox player (incl. Taboo Patch), v0.68MusicWT (~60MB) Pixeldrain – MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.68MusicWT (~880MB) (incl. Taboo Patch) Pixeldrain – MediaFire
Still the little “warning” for Android users: Similar as before the new Android port for game part 4 is installed as an update. That means the part 3 content will be replaced. So befor installing it be sure to have the save at the end of v0.53 (the one saying “Save Now”), you need it to start v0.54 and up.
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: - Swipe left: back - Swipe right: skip - Swipe up: main menu - Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: "(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.grandmashouse"
Info: - You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. - On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Optional: If needed here a save from the beginning of v0.54 (on save page 1) MediaFire
or also from every game chapter end v0.54 and up (starting with save page 1) MediaFire
Mod for game Part 3 / v0.53:
download links Part 3...
Download Mod with WT (incl. Taboo Patch) v0.53WT (1MB) Pixeldrain – MediaFire
Second Mod version with WT and jukebox player (incl. Taboo Patch), v0.53MusicWT (~60MB) Pixeldrain – MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.53MusicWT (~870MB) (incl. Taboo Patch) Pixeldrain – MediaFire
Still the little “warning” for Android users: Similar to the change from part 1 to part 2 the new Android port for game part 3 is installed as an update. That means the part two content will be replaced. So befor installing it be sure to have the save at the end of v0.37 (the one saying “Save Here”), you need it to start v0.38 and up.
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.grandmashouse”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Optional: If needed here a save from the beginning of v0.38 (on save page 1) MediaFire
or also from every game chapter end v0.38-v0.53 (on save page 1 and up) MediaFire
Second Mod version with WT and jukebox player (incl. Taboo Patch), v0.37aMusicWT (49MB) Workupload – MediaFire – Pixeldrain
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.37aMusicWT (~1.2GB) (incl. Taboo Patch) Workupload – MediaFire – Pixeldrain
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.grandmashouse”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Optional: If needed here a save from the beginning of v0.17 (on save page 1) Workupload
If needed here also saves from every game chapter end v0.17-v0.37 (on save page 1-4) Workupload
Mod for game Part 1 / v0.16:
download links Part 1..
Download Mod with WT (incl. Taboo Patch) v0.16a (9MB) Workupload – MediaFire
Second Mod version with WT and jukebox player (incl. Taboo Patch), v0.16a-Music (95MB) Workupload – MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.16aMusic (~1.4GB) (incl. Taboo Patch) Workupload – MediaFire
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.grandmashouse”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Optional: If needed here are saves from the end of each game chapter 1-15 (on save page 1-3) Workupload – MediaFire
Grandma's House - College Days
Mod started: Sept. 13, 2023 Latest update: Version v2.0 / Dec. 20, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for the game version 2.0 Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: jukebox with music, renaming, add. settings, named saves
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v2.0 (~240MB) (incl. Taboo Patch) MediaFire - Pixeldrain
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.grandmashousecd”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Guilty Pleasure
Mod started: Dec. 27, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.43 / Dec, 25, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.43) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page there HERE Mod functions: music/audio/jukebox/ rename/gallery/walkt./add.settings
Download Mod version v0.43AudioWT (with Music/SFX/Walkthrough/Gallery unlocker, ~76MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Download Mod version v0.43WT (Walkthrough/Gallery unlocker, ~6MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.43AudioWT (~750MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.guiltypleasure”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Hacker's Restart (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: April 6, 2020 Latest update: Version v1.0 "steam" / July 24, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for the finished game version 1.0 / steam release Mod functions: walkthough/add. settings/rename/named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0 "steam" (~160MB) MediaFire - Pixeldrain - Mixdrop
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.hackersrestart”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Halfway House
Mod started: December 27, 2019 Latest update: Version EP11aWT / June 23, 2024 Mod status: 100% (for the game version Ep.11) Mod functions: walkthrough/cheat/status/gallery unlock/renaming jukebox/named saves/add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod EP11aWT (~800MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.halfwayhouse”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Mod started: July 6, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.15.1 / Nov. 10, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.15.1 / Ep15 Part 2) Link to the F95zone game page here and my Mod page here Mod functions: music/jukebox/status screen/cheating/renaming/walkthrough/named saves/add.settings
Download Mod v0.15.1AudioWT (~90MB) (with music/walkthrough/cheating/RePlay): Pixeldrain - MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.15.1AudioWT (~790MB) Pixeldrain - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.hillside”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Hot&Cold (game is maybe abandoned/Mod is ohhold)
Mod started on Jan. 2, 2022 Latest Version: v0.1 from Jan. 2, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.1) Mod functions: music/jukebox/cheating/rename/walkthrough/add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.1 (~66MB) Workupload - MediaFire
HWD - Holidays with Daddy (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started on Feb. 3, 2021 Latest Version: v1.0 from Feb. 3, 2021 Mod status: 100% - finished Functions: music Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Android port of the game with included Mod (~135MB): MediaFire
Inertia (game is abandoned)
Mod started: Nov. 21, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.35 / June 27, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.35) Mod functions: music/jukebox/walkthrough/renaming /add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.35 (~510MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.inertia”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Mod started: June 1, 2020 Latest Version: v0.13 from Dec. 21, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.13) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page there HERE Mod functions: status screen/cheating/gallery unlock Info: Mod should be compatible to WT Mod from scrappy (but it's not updated so far)
Download Mod version v0.13Cheat (~1MB) (with cheats/gallery unlock/game points info) Pixeldrain - MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.13Cheat (~1.7GB) Pixeldrain - MediaFire Info: if you had the WT addon from scrappy installed in my previous port please remove it first, otherwise you will miss the new episode!
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.intertwined”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Scrappy WT Mod addon v0.13 for my Android port MediaFire
addon installation
Extract the Mod addon Zip and move the extracted files to: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.intertwined\game\” Info: first check if there are maybe old WT mod files – remove them first!
Kate (Mod is stopped)
Mod started: June 11, 2022 Latest Version: v0.8a Mar. 15/18, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.8) Mod functions: music/jukebox/cheating/renaming/walkthrough+/add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.8a (~140MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.kate” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Leaving DNA
Mod started: Oct. 17, 2022 Latest Version: v0.3 Mar 1, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version Ep3 Mod functions: walkthrough/gallery unlock/renaming/add. settings/named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.3 (~660MB) Pixeldrain - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.leavingdna” (you maybe have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
Life with Pleasure (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: June 23, 2021 Latest update: Version v1.0a / Aug. 14, 2020 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version v1.0 Mod functions: status screen/cheating/add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE
Info: It's recommended to use the i-patch (I call them Mom/Sis in my Mod screen). Also it should be compatible to the existing walkthrough Mod, too. Both can be found on F95zone at the main page of the game.
Lockdown (the game is probably abandoned/Mod is stopped)
Mod started: Feb. 7, 2021 Latest update: Version v0.2.0 / Feb. 7, 2020 Mod status: 100% - finished for latest game version Mod functions: music Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Game complete with included I-Patch and Mod (~122MB): MediaFire - Workupload
Android port with included I-Patch and Mod (~122MB): Workupload
Love Next Door (Game is maybe abandoned)
Mod started: Dec. 10, 2022 Latest Version: v0.2 Dec. 10, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: walkthrough/music/jukebox/renaming/add. settings
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.2 (~94MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.lovenextdoor”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Love Unbound (the game is maybe abandoned)
Mod started: Aug. 13, 2022 Latest Version: v0.1 Aug. 13, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version Mod functions: walkthrough/music/jukebox/renaming/add. settings/named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.1 (~65MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.loveunbound”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Measuring My Cum (the game is maybe abandoned, Mod is stopped!)
Mod started on Dec. 6, 2020 Latest Version: v2.0a from Mar. 20, 2021 Mod status: Stopped! Functions: music/audio/jukeb./renaming Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Attention, the Mod is not compatible to the game version v0.3 and above anymore!
Mod started on Dec. 16, 2020 Latest Version: v1.0 from Dec. 16, 2020 Mod status: 100% - finished Functions: music/jukeb. Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Mod started on July 2, 2022 Latest Version: v1.0b from Sept. 12, 2021 Mod status: 100% - finished Functions: status screen/cheating/walkthrough/renaming/gallery unlock Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Mod started: Dec. 5, 2020 Latest update: Version v1.0 / Dec. 5, 2020 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version Mod functions: music/jukebox Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Game tags (from F95zone “Genre”): 3dcg, Animated, Female protagonist, Big ass, Big tits, Teasing, Groping, Masturbation, MILF, School setting, Interracial, Mobile game, Incest, Lesbian Overview (from F95zone): Wanda Denvers is a 40-year-old single mother with a son and two daughters. She’s the principal of Middleton High School. This story focuses on her life after 5 years of divorce, as she battles with the task of having to take care of 3 people on her own. It’s now been so long since she had a love life she feels more lonely than ever before. How will she fill the pit of emptiness in her life? You decide.
Mod started: Jan. 6, 2023 Latest Version: v0.875WT Dec. 25, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: walkthrough/add. settings/renaming/named saves
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.875WT and included wincest patch (~450MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.msdenvers”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Musicianship (the game is abandoned)
Mod started: Nov. 8, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.1 / Nov. 8, 2020 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version Mod functions: music/jukebox Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod started on Dec. 9, 2020 Latest Version: v0.2 from Feb. 23, 2021 Mod status: 100% - finished for the latest game version Functions: music/jukebox/rename/walk. Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Download link game complete/compressed v0.2, with integrated Mod v0.2: Windows: (~192MB): Workupload Android: (~ 175MB): Workupload
My Dessert Story (the game is abandoned)
Mod started on Feb. 28, 2021 Latest Version: v0.2b from Mar. 27, 2021 Mod status: 100% - finished for the actual game version (v0.2b) Functions: music/jukebox/rename Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Mod started on Feb. 12, 2022 Latest Version: v0.2 from Mar. 20, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.2) Mod functions: music/jukebox/add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.2 (~297MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.mygirlfriendssister”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
My Mom's Secret (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: Oct. 22, 2020 Latest update: Version v1.0a / Oct. 22, 2020 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (pre release) Mod functions: music/jukebox Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
My first project... Mod started: December 22, 2019 Latest update: Version v0.08 / Dec. 22, 2019 Mod status: ~30% - Mod stopped (game version v1.69) Mod functions: music/sound Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE
Info: the downloads below are now outdated!
Download Mod (~38MB): Mixdrop - FilesUpload (files not available anymore)
My Sister's Devious Plot
Mod started on Oct. 21, 2022 Latest Version: v0.4 from Aug. 8, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.4) Link to F95zone game page HEREand my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: music/jukebox/renaming/add. settings/named saves
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.4 (~244MB) Workupload - MediaFire - Pixeldrain Info: please uninstall my previous port if used (saves should be kept)
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.mysistersdeviousplot”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
My Virgin Bride (game is onhold / Mod is stopped!)
Mod started: May 17, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.117 / Oct. 7, 2020 Mod status: Onhold! (compatible only for the game version v0.117) Mod functions: music/sound/jukebox/status screen/cheating/renaming/naming-saves Link to F95zone Mod game page HERE
Attention, the Mod is outdated! (Info: my Mod is now already integrated in the new original game version 1.13!)
Download game complete/compressed with integrated Mod v0.117 (~158MB): MediaFire
Naughty Nice (game is abandoned)
Mod started: Nov. 11, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.3 / Dec. 30, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (Chapter 3) Mod functions: walkthrough/music/jukebox/renaming/add. settings/named saves (i-patch from F95zone is included) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE
Android port from the game Chp3 compressed with integrated Mod v0.3 (~184MB) Workupload - MediaFire Attention: If you had my previous Android port v0.2 please remove it first! (the old saves should be still available)
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.naughtynice”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Obscure Affairs (game is abandoned / Mod is stopped)
Mod started: Aug. 19, 2021 Latest update: Version v1.37UE / July 26, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v1.37UE) Mod functions: renaming/walkthrough/add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v3.20UE (~392MB) Workupload - MediaFire Info: the port is stopped The game UI is for me still, even with my changes, not really usable for tiny screens.
Off The Pitch
Mod started: Dec. 26, 2021 Latest update: Version v0.9 / Mar. 21, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.9) Mod functions: WT+/cheats/renaming/add. settings/named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.9 (extra content is included, ~260MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.offthepitch” (you maybe have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Oh Daddy (game and Mod are finished)
Mod started: Aug. 29, 2021 Latest update: Version v1.0final / Oct. 8, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version v1.0 Full Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE Mod functions: cheat/renaming/add.settings/music/jukebox
Android port from the game part 2 compressed with integrated Mod v1.0 (~145MB) MediaFire - Pixeldrain
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.ohdaddypart2”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0final (~420MB) MediaFire - Pixeldrain
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\Renpy_Saves\com.koga3.ohdaddyfinal”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Panacea (Mod is stopped!)
Mod started: April 4, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.32 / September 2, 2020 Mod status: Stopped (since game version v0.32) Mod functions: music/sound/jukebox Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE
Attention, the Mod is outdated!
Download game complete compressed with integrated Mod v0.32 (397MB): MixDrop (not available anymore)
Picture Perfect (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: April 13, 2020 Latest update: Version v1.0b / Nov. 20, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v1.0 / v0.14) Mod functions: music/audio/jukebox/status/cheat/renaming/walkthrough/replay/add. settings/named saves Link to the F95zone game page hereand my Mod page here
Download game v1.0, compressed with integrated Mod v1.0b (~531MB): MediaFire - Up2Share
Android port from the game v1.0 compressed with integrated Mod v1.0b (~532MB): MediaFire - Up2Share
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.pictureperfect”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Pleasureville - Maddy's Diary (the game is abandoned)
Mod started: June 29, 2020 Latest update: Version EP2 / Sept. 24, 2021 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (EP2) Mod functions: music/jukebox/status screen/cheating/renaming/walkthrough/add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Pleasureville - naughty neighbourhood (the game is abandoned)
Mod started: April 28, 2020 Latest update: Version EP3 / March 8, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (EP3) Mod functions: music/jukebox/status screen/cheating/renaming/walkthrough/add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE.
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod EP3 (~130MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.pleasurevillenn”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
QPrey: Escape from the Lake Thing (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: Nov. 14, 2021 Latest update: Version v1.2 / Sept. 22, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for the also finished game version (v1.2) Mod functions: music, jukebox, add.settings, gallery(RePlay) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE
Download game compressed with integrated Mod v1.2 (~320MB) Pixeldrain - MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.2 (~310MB) Pixeldrain - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.qprey”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Ravenous - finished "Arc 1"
Mod started: Aug. 2, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.096 / April 16, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.096beta / Arc 1 Final) Mod functions: music/jukebox, replay, renaming, add.settings with named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE (no Mod post on F95zone)
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.096Music (~500MB) Pixeldrain - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(…\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.ravenous”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
If needed here some saves from me, made at the start of the later game chapters. Mediafire
Real Dreams (the game is probably abandoned)
Mod started: Mar. 12, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.2 / Mar. 12, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.2) Mod functions: music, jukebox, walkthrough, cheat, rename, add.settings Mod link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.2 (~76MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.realdreams”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Rebirth (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started on March 10, 2020 Latest Versions: EP1: EP1rev1g from Oct. 29, 2021 EP2: EP2rev2 from Oct. 29, 2021 EP3: EP3rev2 from Mar. 6, 2022 EP4: EP4rev3 from June 18, 2023 EP5: EP5rev1 from Sept. 1, 2024 Mod status: finished for EP1, EP2, EP3, EP4, EP5 Functions: music/audio/jukebox/status/cheat/ rename/walkthrough/ add.setting/WT+(only EP3/EP4/EP5)
Original game on F95zone: Link Mod page on F95zone: Link Mod post on my homepage: Link
Mod for Episode 1:
Download Mod only for Episode 1 rev1 (part1-part8) with music/audio/walkthrough/cheat/game settings (Mod version EP1rev1hAudioWT, ~106MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Download Mod only for Episode 1 rev1 (part1-part8) with walkthrough/cheat/game settings (Mod version EP1rev1hWT, ~1MB) Workupload - MediaFire
(Download game episode 1 compressed with integrated Mod EP1rev1hAudioWT (~224MB): (music/audio/walkthrough/cheat/game settings) Workupload - MediaFire
Download Android port of the compr. game with integrated Mod EP1rev1hAudioWT (~225MB) (music/audio/walkthrough/cheat/game settings) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\ com.koga3.rebirthep1”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Info: The orig. save transfer to EP2 unfortunately does not work in my port. To start EP2 you can: 1. load default values at the game start 2. use a save I’ve posted in the EP2 downloads to start the game 3. New: I made an own, “manually save transfer” from EP1->EP2 (for that you must create the save file at the end of EP1 in my port)
Mod for Episode 2:
Download Mod only for Episode 2 with music/audio/walkthrough/cheat/game settings (Mod version EP2ver2AudioWT (~103MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Download Mod only for Episode 2 with walkthrough/cheat/game settings (Mod version EP2ver2WT (~1MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Download game episode 2 compressed with integrated Mod EP2ver2AudioWT (~273MB): Workupload - MediaFire
Download Android port of the compr. game EP 2 with integrated Mod EP2ver2AudioWT (~275MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\ com.koga3.rebirthep2”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Info: The orig. save transfer unfortunately does not work in my port. To start EP2 you can: 1. load default values at the game start 2. use the save below to start the game 3. New: I made an own, “manually save transfer” from EP1->EP2 (you need the save file created at the end of EP1 from my port)
Download Mod only for game version Episode 3 ver2 with music/audio/walkthrough/cheat/game settings Mod version EP3-ver2-AudioWT (~112MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Download Mod only for game version Episode 3 ver2 with walkthrough/cheat/game settings (Mod version EP3-ver2-WT (~3MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Download game episode 3 compressed with integrated Mod EP3-ver2-AudioWT (~322MB): Workupload - MediaFire
Download Android port of the compressed game with integrated Mod EP3-ver2-AudioWT (~324MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.rebirth”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Info: The orig. save transfer unfortunately does not work in my port. To start EP3 you can: 1. load default values at the game start 2. use the save below to start the game 3. New: I made an own, “manually save transfer” from EP2->EP3 (you need the save file created at the end of EP2 from my port)
Mod for Episode 4: Download Mod only for game version Episode 4 - ver3 with music/audio/walkthrough/cheat/game settings Mod version EP4-ver3-AudioWT (~127MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Download Mod only for game version Episode 4 - ver3 with walkthrough/cheat/game settings (Mod version EP4-ver3-WT (~4MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Download PC game episode 4 compressed with integrated Mod EP4-ver3-AudioWT (~265MB): Workupload - MediaFire
Download Android port of the compressed game with integrated Mod EP4-ver3-AudioWT (~266MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.rebirthep4”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Info: The orig. save transfer unfortunately does not work in my port. To start EP4 you can: 1. load default values at the game start 2. use the save below to start the game 3. New: I made an own, “manually save transfer” from EP3->EP4 (you need the save file created at the end of EP3 from my port)
Mod for Episode 5: Download Mod only for game version Episode 5 ver1 with music/audio/walkthrough/cheat/game settings Mod version EP5-ver1-AudioWT (~58MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Download Mod only for game version Episode 5 ver1 with walkthrough/cheat/game settings Mod version EP5-ver1-WT (~1MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Download Android port of the compressed game with integrated Mod EP5-ver1-AudioWT (~260MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.rebirthep5”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Info: You need for starting the game an exportet save from episode 4! For me that did not work on Android, therefore I changed the game start in EP5 with loading default values.
If that does not work here also saves from the very beginning of EP5-Part1: Save file EP5-part1 (with or without Laurie)
Mod started: July 21, 2024 Latest update: Version v0.15 / Nov. 28, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.15) Link to the F95zone game page HERE and Link to my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: WT+, cheats, music, jukebox, add.settings, renaming, named saves, side image toggle
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.15 (~110MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.reconnections”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Roommate From Hell (game is abandoned)
Mod started: March 5, 2020 Latest update: Version V2 v0.55b / May 21, 2020 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.55) Mod functions: music/sound/jukebox/cheating/renaming Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE
Download Mod (~33MB): MixDrop (not available anymore)
Download game complete with integrated Mod v0.55b (~550MB): MixDrop - Workupload
Running Away (Mod is stopped!)
Mod started: Sept. 7, 2021 Latest update: Version v0.8a / Sept 21, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.8) Mod functions: music, jukebox, walkthrough, cheating, renaming, add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.8a (~258MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.runningaway”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Say it Again (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started on Nov. 6, 2021 Latest Version: v1.0.0 from April 9, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE Functions: music/jukebox/add.settings
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0.0 (~428MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.sayitagain”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Secret Summer (game and Mod are finished)
Mod started: March 23, 2021 Latest update: Version 1.0Epilogue / July 11, 2022 Mod status: 100% Mod functions: status/cheat/renaming/adv.settings/WT+ (+ walkthrough/gallery from OscarSix / and from me since v0.10) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE.
Game v1.0beta + Epilogue slightly compressed with integrated Mod v1.0Epilogue (~680MB) MediaFire - Pixeldrain
Android port from the game v1.0beta + Epilogue compr. with integrated Mod v1.0Epilogue (~680MB) MediaFire - Pixeldrain
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.secretsummer”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Optional Download: Save files from the end of each episode, last one is right before the Epilogue. (on save slots page 20 and up)
Mod started: May 1, 2021 Latest update: Version v0.2 / July 16, 2021 Mod status: Stopped (since game version v0.3) Mod functions: music/jukebox/cheating/rename/walkthrough Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE.
Download game compressed v0.2 public release with integrated Mod v0.2 (~177MB) WorkUpload - MediaFire
Android port from game compressed v0.2 public release with integrated Mod v0.2 (~159MB) WorkUpload - MediaFire
Shag the Hag (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: February 2, 2020 Latest Version: Audio: v1.0f, Dec. 15, 2020 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v1.f) Mod functions: music/sound/cheating Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE
Mod started: Sept. 18, 2021 Latest Version: v1.0-Ep10, Mar. 31, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (EP10) Mod functions: walkthrough/WT+/add.settings/replay gallery Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Downloads game part 2 (EP7 and above) Download Mod v1.0-Ep10 (~5MB) Workupload - Mediafire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0-Ep10 (~480MB) Workupload - MediaFire Info: the port for EP7 and above are installed as an update to the former port EP1-6 and replaces it!
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.sinfullife”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Downloads game part 1 (EP1-EP6) Download Mod v0.6-EP6 (~5MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.6-EP6 (~1,03GB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.sinfullife”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
STWA - The Author (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: August 29, 2020 Latest update: Version Ch7.1b / Oct. 9, 2021 Mod status: 100% - finished for completed game version (vCh7) Mod functions: music/sound/jukebox/status screen/cheating/renaming/walkthrough/named saves/add.settings Link to the F95zone game page here and my Mod page here
Download game Ch7.1 compressed with integrated Mod Ch7.1b (~777MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Android port from game Ch7.1 compressed with integrated Mod Ch7.1b (~777MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Sun Breed (game and Mod are finished)
Mod started: January 10, 2021 Latest update: Version v1.0 / Mar. 15, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for latest game version (v1.0) Mod functions: WT unlock/Gallery unlock/rename/add.settings/cheating/named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0 (~350MB) Pixeldrain - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.sunbreed”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Tales of a Space Pirate (Mod is stopped)
Mod started: August 20, 2022 Latest update: v0.1 / Aug. 20, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version Mod functions: walkthrough/music/jukebox/renaming/add. settings/named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.1 (~109MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.talesofaspacepirate”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Teacher's Harem
Mod started: August 15, 2022 Latest update: v0.5 / Jan. 14, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version Mod functions: walkthrough/music/jukebox/renaming/add. settings/named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.5 (~221MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.teachersharem”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
The Bodyguard (Game is abandoned / Mod is stopped)
Mod started: Oct. 9, 2022 Latest update: Version v1.00 / Oct. 9, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v1.00) Mod functions: walkthrough/rename/add.settings/named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.00 (~176MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.thebodyguard”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
The Cabin (Mod is stopped)
Mod started: August 8, 2021 Latest update: Version EP4a / May 28, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (EP4) Mod functions: music/jukebox/rename/walkthrough/add.settings Link to F95zone game page HEREand my Mod post HERE
Attention, the download links below are now outdated!
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod EP4 (~413MB) Workupload - MediaFire (without RePlay so far!)
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.thecabin”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
The Falling Reloaded (game is maybe abandoned)
Mod started: Nov. 30, 2022 Latest update: Version v6.0 / Jan. 27, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (Chapter 6) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE Mod functions: walkthrough, info screen, cheat, renaming, add.settings with named saves
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v6.0 (~390MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(…\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.thefalling”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
The Hellcat Lounge
Mod started: July 29, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.3.67 / Sept. 17, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.3.67) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE Mod functions: walkthrough, cheat, status, gallery unlock, renaming, add.settings, named saves
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.3.67a (~680MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.thehellcatlounge”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
The Escort (Game and Mod are finished)
Mod started: July 29, 2022 Latest update: Version v1.01se / Dec. 13, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for the also finished game version (v1.01se) Link to the F95zone game page HERE Link to my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: walkthrough, unlocked gallery, music, jukebox, add.settings, renaming, named saves
Download game compressed with integrated Mod v1.01se (~150MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.01se (~125MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.theescort”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
The Intern (the game is abandoned)
Mod started: February 21, 2021 Latest update: Version v0.1 / Feb. 21, 2021 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.1) Mod functions: music/jukebox/rename Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Download game v0.1 slightly compressed: Windows, with integrated Mod v0.1 (~56MB) WorkUpload - MediaFire
The Relic (the game is abandoned)
Mod started: Oct. 23, 2022 Latest update: v0.02/ Oct. 23, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.02) Mod functions: walkthrough/rename/add.settings/named saves Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.02 (~457MB) Pixeldrain - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.therelic”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
The taming of the brat (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: September 25, 2021 Latest update: v1.0 / May 2, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for the final game version (v1) Mod functions: cheating/rename/walkthrough/gallery/add.settings/named saves + music/jukebox (second Mod version) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post there HERE
Download Mod v1.0AudioWT (~52MB) with music/walkthrough/cheat/replay WorkUpload - MediaFire
Download Mod v1.0WT (~1MB) with walkthrough/cheat/replay WorkUpload - MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0AudioWT (~540MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.thetamingofthebrat”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
The Unbroken
Mod started: June 10, 2021 Latest update: Version v0.7CheatWT / June 26, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (Part 7) Mod functions: walkthrough/status screen/cheating/renaming/add.settings/named saves + QuickMusic (add-on) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE.
Download Mod only v0.7CheatWT (~2MB) with walkthrough/cheat/info/settings Workupload - MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.7CheatWT + music add-on (~1.1GB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.unbroken” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
Mod add-on "music player" (Info: the CheatWT Mod must be installed first) Download music add-on v0.6 (~50MB) (compatible to Mod version v0.7) Workupload - MediaFire
Tomboy Supremacy
Mod started: Dec. 26, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.8a / Dec. 22, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version v0.8a Link to F95zone game page HERE (no Mod post on F95zone) Mod functions: music/jukebox/WT hints/add. settings
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.8a (~530MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.tomboysupremacy”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
TP - The Class Next Door (Mod is Stopped!)
Mod started: December 6, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.25.1 / Nov. 20, 2021 Mod status: Stopped! (compatible for game version (v.0.25.1) Mod functions: status/cheat/rename/walk./gallery Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Download Android port game compressed with integrated Mod v0.25.1 (~700MB): Workupload
Tubby - A Catventure (game and Mod are stopped)
Mod started: Jan. 12, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.1a / Jan. 13, 2021 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v.0.1) Mod functions: music/jukebox/rename/walkthrough/add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.1a (~251MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.tubbyacatventure” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
Undercover Love (Mod is Stopped!)
Mod started: October 17, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.0.08a3 / Jan. 23, 2021 Mod status: Stopped! (since game version v0.08) Mod functions: music/jukebox/renaming/walkthrough/cheating Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod started: March 22, 2021 Latest update: Version v1.0a / Sept. 11, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v1.0) Mod functions: music/jukebox/walkthrough Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE.
Download game v1.0 compressed with integrated Mod v1.0a (~123MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Android port from compressed game v1.0 with integrated Mod v1.0a (126MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.underthemoonlight” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
Unexpected Opportunity
Mod started: May 21, 2023 Latest update: Version v0.3 / May 21, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.3) Link to the F95zone game page HERE and Link to my Mod post there HERE Mod functions: walkthrough, music, jukebox, add.settings, renaming, named saves
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.3 (~143MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.unexpectedopportunity”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Mod started: June 14, 2020 Latest update: Version v0.6.5b / Sept. 2, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.6.5b) Mod functions: RePlay/status/cheat/rename/add.settings/music/jukebox + WT Mod from JokerLeader (updated to v0.6.5 from me) Link to the F95zone game page here and my Mod page here
Download Mod v0.6.5b-AudioWT with music/WT/cheat/info screen/RePlay (~63MB): (WT Mod from JokerLeader is already included) Workupload - MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.6.5b-AudioWT (music/WT/cheat/info screen/RePlay ~420MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.unleashed”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Unnatural Instinct
Mod started: Oct. 7, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.8 / Nov. 5, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.8) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE Mod functions: walkthrough/cheat/gallery unlocker,music/jukebox/renaming/add. settings
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.8 (~380MB) Pixeldrain - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.unnaturalinstinct” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
Valhalla Chronicles
Mod started: Aug. 5, 2022 Latest update: Version v0.1 / Aug. 5, 2023 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (v0.1) Mod functions: music, jukebox, walkthrough, add.settings, renaming, named saves (no link to the game on F95zone)
Info: the downloads are password protected Zip files, the pw is: koga3
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.1 (~95MB) MediaFire - Pixeldrain
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.valhallachronicles”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Vicky's Investigation (Game/Mod finished)
Mod started: Oct. 22, 2020 Latest update: Version v1.0a / Oct. 22, 2020 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (pre release) Mod functions: music/jukebox Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod started on Dec. 13, 2020 Latest Version: Season 1 Rev 1 from Nov. 20, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for the actual game version S1 Rev 1 Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE Mod functions: status, cheat, rename, activated the hidden ingame WT
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod S1 Rev 1 (~1GB) Pixeldrain - MediaFire Info: please uninstall a previous port from me first, the game's RenPy version has changed. Old Saves should be kept (but maybe a restart is recommended anyway because of the game changes)
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.wheretheheartis” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
With Rain Comes The Flood (Mod is Stopped!)
Mod started on Dec. 14, 2021 Latest Version: v0.2 from Dec. 14, 2021 Mod status: Stopped! Mod functions: music, jukebox, add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.2 (~110MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Mod started: Jan. 24, 2021 Latest update: Mod v1.0a for game S2-C1-E13-B4 / Oct. 3, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (vS2-C1-E13-B4) Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE Mod functions: cheat/renaming/add.settings/music/jukebox
Download link Mod AudioCheat-v1.0a (~65MB): (with cheating, renaming and music player) Pixeldrain - MediaFire
Android port game vS2-C1-E13-B4 compressed with integrated Mod AudioCheat-v1.0a (~1.3GB) Pixeldrain - Mediafire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.wvm”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Mod started: Jan 24, 2021 Latest Version: v1.0 from May 29, 2022 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version Mod functions: music/jukebox/renaming/ add.settings Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod page HERE
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v1.0 (~61MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.wvmditloharper” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
Young Again
Game tags
Game tags (from F95zone “Genre”): 3dcg, Male protagonist, Oral sex, Handjob, Incest, Romance, School setting, Teasing, Vaginal sex, Voyeurism, Sleep sex, Creampie, Virgin, Possession Overview (from F95zone): You start the game as Paul, an old man tired of his life, who after an incident (and by the will of a goddess) he’s now in the body of a 19-year-old boy (your character). Your mission is to fulfill a series of objectives for this goddess and thus be able to continue your life in this new body.
Mod started: Aug. 9, 2020 Latest update: Version S02C07WT / Oct. 19, 2024 Mod status: 100% - finished for actual game version (Season 2, Chapter 7) Mod functions: walkthrough/renaming/adv.settings/named saves Link to the F95zone game page here and my Mod page here
Mod for ongoing Season 2: Download Mod with walkthrough/cheating/renaming/gallery unlocker i-patch included, Mod version S02C07WT (~4MB) Workupload - MediaFire
Android port from the game compressed with integrated Mod S02C07WT and i-patch (~650MB) Workupload - MediaFire
more infos Android port...
Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.youngagain”
Info: – You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time. – On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission. Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.
Android basic port from the game compressed with integrated Mod v0.14aWT (~1GB) Workupload – MediaFire Usage additional swipe commandos: – Swipe left: back – Swipe right: skip – Swipe up: main menu – Swipe down: hide
The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.youngagain” (you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)
(old updates April 2024) – Mar. 29, 2024: Mod update for the game Guilty Pleasure (Mod version v0.33) – Mar. 29, 2024: Mod update for the game Going for Goal (Mod version v0.7) – Mar. 29, 2024: Mod update for the game Couples (Mod version v0.20) – Mar. 30, 2024: Mod update for the game Rebirth (Mod version EP5part11) – Mar. 31, 2024: Mod update for the game Tomboy Supremacy (Mod version v0.4c) – Mar. 31, 2024: Mod update for the game Sinful Life (Mod version v1.0-Ep10)
– April 2, 2024: Mod update for the game The taming of the brat (Mod version v0.9999) – April 9, 2024: Mod update for the game Expectations (Mod version v0.35) – April 11, 2024: the game Detective Necro and also my Mod is discontinued – April 12, 2024: Mod update for the game Grandma’s House (Mod version v0.52) – April 16, 2024: Mod update for the game Ravenous (Mod version v0.096 / finished “Arc 1”) – April 25, 2024: Mod update for the game Grandma’s House (Mod version v0.53 / end of part 3) – April 28, 2024: Mod update for the game Guilty Pleasure (Mod version v0.35) – April 29, 2024: Mod update for the game Rebirth (Mod version EP5part12)
– May 1, 2024: Mod update for the game Extra Credit (Mod version v0.8b)
– July 7, 2024: Mod update for the game Ms. Denvers (Mod version v0.07.5) – July 11, 2024: Mod update for the game Tomboy Supremacy (Mod version v0.6a) – July 13, 2024: Mod update for the game Grandma’s House (Mod version v0.58) – July 18, 2024: Mod update for the game Where the heart is (port updated to latest game version, Mod still compatible) – July 20, 2024: Mod update for the game A Mother’s Love (Mod version v0.14WT) – July 21, 2024: new Mod for the game Reconnections (Mod version v0.01) – July 25, 2024: Mod update for the game Guilty Pleasure (Mod version v0.38) – July 27, 2024: Mod update for the game Grandma’s House (Mod version v0.59) – July 30, 2024: Mod update for the game Expectations (Mod version v0.45) – July 30, 2024: Mod update for the game A Wife and Mother (Mod version v0.205) – July 31, 2024: Mod update for the game Rebirth (Mod version EP5part15)
Not included are the mods that I did not publish: (mostly because I dropped/abandoned them)
- A few days (I've dropped/abandoned it) - Almost dead (only started it, don't know if I'm going to continue that) - Angel of Innocence (I've dropped/abandoned it) - Birthday Present (finished the Mod, but I did not publish it) - Family Man (I've dropped/abandoned it) - Fate and Destiny (finished the Mod, but I did not publish it) - Freeloading Family (I've dropped/abandoned it) - Innocent Play (I've dropped/abandoned it / game got music itself) - Now and Then (I've dropped/abandoned it) - Oath of Layality (I've dropped/abandoned it) - Pongo Delta (only started it, don't know if I'm going to continue that) - Pure Love (only started it, don't know if I'm going to continue that) - RainyDay (only started it, don't know if I'm going to continue that) - Revenga (only started it, don't know if I'm going to continue that) - The Island (only started it, don't know if I'm going to continue that) - The Nurse Rachel: (finished the Mod, but did not publish - not much game content so far) - The Penny Conspiracy (made a demo, but no response - I've dropped/abandoned it) - The Quest (only started it, don't know if I'm going to continue that) and some more
Koga can I request for a game called MWNeus? The game already completed. And no one made an Android port. the official one is 1.5 gb which is a lot. Can you please port it pls.
Hi koga just wanna ask if it’s okay for you to do an Android (mod) port to a game called My New Memories and My New Family? And if you can’t it’s cool no biggie I know you’re a busy man hehe. Alright thank you
Hi. And thanks for the suggestion. I actually had a request for these “Killer7” games some time ago on Discord, and I even did a quick check for MNM and I think also for MNF. But decided against a port. In my opinion it’s not needed. The dev makes a good one himself, and to be fair a Mod is not really needed for the games. A little hint: the top choice is usually the right one.
Last edited 1 year ago by koga3
1 year ago
I was just wondering if you’ve given any thought about doing an android port for Bad Memories?
Hi. That game already has Mods and also an own Android port. Only thing would be missing is a port with Mod. But unfortunately the existing one from the modder “Sancho” can’t be added, it’s designed for PC use.
Ah Sancho also know as pain in the ass modder lmao. Good thing Darkassasin (DA) keeps pissing him off by decoding his shitty mod to android. Like for real though Sancho mod is nothing but pain in the ass when comes to like other android porter. And then there’s DA who casually decodes it again and again lmao. Sancho and DA (also heard that Sancho doesn’t like DA)pretty much just doing this shit again and again. Like Sancho put some annoying codes and DA decodes it. Like for real these two just doing shit again and again it’s fukin hilarious.
I know this has nothing to do with anything but. Look at what Sancho did to his/her mod again hahahaha motherfucker really really hates android users bruh like the hell. I fucking love DA for this hahaha
Hi. I don’t have a newer version then the existing v0.8 from F95zone. Seems nobody from the patrons is leaking it anymore.
Also I actually fear a bit the game maybe got in the meantime the same UI changes as in “Reconnecting”, there I had to stop most of my Mod functions and the port…
1 year ago
Hey bro any chance
You uploaded Savior V.14 pt 2 Mod version?
Thank you 💓
Hi. Not needed, there exists already a port with the Mod integrated from DarkAssassin. Also there’s another port from “the66” on F95zone, but not sure if this one has the Mod included also.
Last edited 1 year ago by koga3
1 year ago
Bro please released The Island 0.3.4 mod version 🙏🙏🙏
Hi. Havn’t played the game for a long time, but as far as I remember a Mod isn’t really needed for this game, especialy a WT. And for a gallery/replay I have to pass since as said above I havn’t played it.
For a port: the dev himself has one, so there is probably no need for that also. I remember there was someone else porting the game before, but maybe he stopped since there is an orig. port now available.
No problem. As said I can’t do a Mod for this game. What I could do is only a port from the game compressed + my additional game settings (textbox opacity, textsize etc), but no further Mod functions. Let me know if that would be even desired/wanted.
okay brother
I like this game a lot and I am looking everywhere for its mod version but can’t find it and there is no in game mod in this game..
sorry for the trouble🙂
Koga can I request for a game called MWNeus? The game already completed. And no one made an Android port. the official one is 1.5 gb which is a lot. Can you please port it pls.
I’ll check at some free time. But since the game already has a port and I’m not a big fan of sandbox/free roam games anyway not really sure about it.
Thank you thank you 😭 😭😭
Made now a quick port from the compressed game version, available here:
But only did a quick check on it, hope it’s working
Hi koga just wanna ask if it’s okay for you to do an Android (mod) port to a game called My New Memories and My New Family? And if you can’t it’s cool no biggie I know you’re a busy man hehe. Alright thank you
Hi. And thanks for the suggestion. I actually had a request for these “Killer7” games some time ago on Discord, and I even did a quick check for MNM and I think also for MNF. But decided against a port. In my opinion it’s not needed. The dev makes a good one himself, and to be fair a Mod is not really needed for the games. A little hint: the top choice is usually the right one.
I was just wondering if you’ve given any thought about doing an android port for Bad Memories?
Hi. That game already has Mods and also an own Android port. Only thing would be missing is a port with Mod. But unfortunately the existing one from the modder “Sancho” can’t be added, it’s designed for PC use.
I realised that when I tried to merge the mod with the game. The game kept crashing.
Ah Sancho also know as pain in the ass modder lmao. Good thing Darkassasin (DA) keeps pissing him off by decoding his shitty mod to android. Like for real though Sancho mod is nothing but pain in the ass when comes to like other android porter. And then there’s DA who casually decodes it again and again lmao. Sancho and DA (also heard that Sancho doesn’t like DA)pretty much just doing this shit again and again. Like Sancho put some annoying codes and DA decodes it. Like for real these two just doing shit again and again it’s fukin hilarious.
I know this has nothing to do with anything but. Look at what Sancho did to his/her mod again hahahaha motherfucker really really hates android users bruh like the hell. I fucking love DA for this hahaha
WTF… 😳
Just inquiring if you’ve thought of doing a mod for Bad Memories.
Hi koga any chance you could do an android port for
no escape game edition
None exist currently
And let’s be honest their is nobody better than you to ask
Sure it would be a popular mod
Many thanks andy
Hi. If it’s this game:
then unfortunately it’s impossible for me (and most other porters, too). The reason is the used game engine is not RenPy. I and most other porters only can do games using that. Sorry.
Ah OK sorry bro
Appreciate the reply
Gutted cannot find a decent site to play it online that works well on mobile
Keep up the good work pal 👍
Hi Koga. Any chance to update Sunbreed? It’s at V0.10. Thanks
Hi. I don’t have a newer version then the existing v0.8 from F95zone. Seems nobody from the patrons is leaking it anymore.
Also I actually fear a bit the game maybe got in the meantime the same UI changes as in “Reconnecting”, there I had to stop most of my Mod functions and the port…
Hey bro any chance
You uploaded Savior V.14 pt 2 Mod version?
Thank you 💓
Hi. Not needed, there exists already a port with the Mod integrated from DarkAssassin.
Also there’s another port from “the66” on F95zone, but not sure if this one has the Mod included also.
Bro please released The Island 0.3.4 mod version 🙏🙏🙏
Hi. Havn’t played the game for a long time, but as far as I remember a Mod isn’t really needed for this game, especialy a WT. And for a gallery/replay I have to pass since as said above I havn’t played it.
For a port: the dev himself has one, so there is probably no need for that also. I remember there was someone else porting the game before, but maybe he stopped since there is an orig. port now available.
ok sir as you like
But I have now also one question since there are quite some games with “Island” in the game name and I hope I havn’t thought of the wrong one: was it that game?
Yes brother
And sorry for late reply
No problem. As said I can’t do a Mod for this game. What I could do is only a port from the game compressed + my additional game settings (textbox opacity, textsize etc), but no further Mod functions. Let me know if that would be even desired/wanted.
okay brother
I like this game a lot and I am looking everywhere for its mod version but can’t find it and there is no in game mod in this game..
sorry for the trouble🙂