Hi guys. Here again my Mod overview. As usual first the general Mod related news for 4/2022. And later in the next day(s) the second part with the newest alphab. Mod list.
New Mods / Updates:
I still try to avoid starting any new projects due to my now limited free time. Hence, this month “nothing new” here. Well, with one exception: I ” reanimated ” the Mod for Halfway House. I got an request for that, and I could not resist to at least reactivate some basic Mod functions again (but no audio or walkthrough) for it.
The last month I did quite some Mod updates again. If I counted right there were updates from me for 17! games since the last overview. Some even had multiple ones. That’s way above the usual count. At least here it seems the less free time had no impact.
Stopped Mod’s:
The game A Wife and Mother was splitted with the newest release into two parts. And since the game has now more and more “Mod features” itself (walkthrough, cheat, game settings) I actively maintained only the “older” part to be compatible to the new part 2. Well, I made a quick Mod for this new part also (because I tried an Android port), but I’m not sure to continue it.
Very nice Mod download counts last month! Also the homepage visits are just…wow! So again a Big Thanks to the ones following me here on my Homepage. And of course a Special Thanks to my Patrons. And a Hello from me to another new guy who decided to waste some money on me…
For me also a “top”: Finally a Unleashed update after a very long time, and I really liked it.
Not really a “flop”, but the posts on F95zone are getting more and more “dumb”. It’s not a new thing, but – at least for me – the hating/demanding/insulting postings seem to increase there lately. As a result more and more game devs are leaving the site after some time (eg SuperWriter last month). I really hope that don’t get out of hand.
What’s next:
Well, somehow at that time in the month I can do a copy/paste from last month, because the “ptolemy” games (The taming of the brat and Rebirth) and Guilty Pleasure should get updated soon. Also Between salvation and Abyss (already released for patrons) and Young Again are getting close also.
Maybe Hillside, too. But the dev is struggling with health issues lately. And because of the awaited own music integration there I’m actually not sure to update my Mod for it anyway.
So, this was the first part of my Mod overview 4/2022. And hopefully the second one with the actual alphabetic Mod list is following soon in the next days.