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Mod news/overview 8/2024

Hi. Here my little Mod overview for August 2024.

New Mods/ports / Updates:
Last month no new Mod project. And also “only” two new ones in the Quick Mods/ports section: The Grey Dream and Soulmate.

But quite some Mod/port updates last Month: 6 for Mod projects, and ~20 for Quick Mods/ports. And as usual I even don’t count the “double” Mod/port updates for games like Grandma’s House.

Finished Mods/ports:
This month two: Rebirth got it’s final one, and also Erotica in the Quick Mods/ports

Stopped Mods/ports:
I stopped now my Mod for WVM. I actually lost the interest to continue here, the “developement” of this game became imo a “joke”. Also the WT in my Mod isn’t needed since S2 anyway, the dev added hints himself there. Maybe I’ll do a port again, but not sure.

Unfortunately I had to stop Companion of Darkness, the game got to big for a port. And A thousend Rounds seems to be to “heavy” for my PC, I couldn’t even playtest it there and therefore not be able to make a port again.

I know, I know. I sound like a broken record already, but again a “paste/copy” from the months before. Mod downloads are still impressive, the site here and my Discord are quite frequented. And of course a Big Thanks to my Patrons, again new ones lately.

The “little desaster” about the not released WVM update since February and the quite silly excuses from the dev about it made me actually quit that game now.

And yesterday a post from the dev of Halfway House made me actually quit my longest Patreon membership I ever had (since 2019). Reason was the change of the terms, the minimum tier to get the game was suddenly raised from $1 to $10/month. And all that for a game with only one update a year lately…

My Mod projects summary:
– 109 Mod projects all in all
– 33 games/Mods are already finished
– 20 Mods are unfortunately stopped/onhold by me
– 28 games are onhold/stopped/abandoned itself
– 28 are for games and Mods still in progress

Summary of the Android ports/Quick Mods:
– 155 quick Mods/Android ports all in all
– 23 are finished
– 43 are discontinued (from me or the game itself)
– 89 still ongoing quick Mods/ports

As already done last months I don’t do an extra post anymore for the alphabetic Mod project list. It’s updated from me anyway with every Mod release.

If interested you can also check the “This and That” section. Maybe you find there a Mod/port you are interested in, too.


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