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Mod overview 4/2023 – Part 1

Hi. Here again my Mod overview Part 1 for 4/2023.
It’s a bit shorter since there isn’t that much to tell because of no big changes to the months before.
Well, and as usual the actual updated Mod list is hopefully following in the next day(s), too.

New Mods / Updates:
I made one new Mod project, and it’s even finished already, too. It was a suggestion from a Discord user for the game Boho.
And also some new quick Mods/ports too for: Final Spell / Unseen Instincts / Carnal Contract / Limits of Sky / Unraveling August.

Again as last month a bit less updates for my Mod projects (about for 10 games), but it’s also probably because quite some Mods from me are now in the Quick Mod section I actually don’t count here.

Stopped Mod’s:
I did a check a week ago for all my Mod projects again after some time. Doing that I noticed some of the games are now already official abandoned on F95zone. I therefore set those in my Mod list to abandoned, too. Also some Mods for games with no progress quite some time I put to onhold, too. So don’t be surprised that the count for my active Mod project has quite decreased since last month because of that.

No big changes here, my site and Mod downloads are still impressive for me. Of course also a big, big Thank You to my Patrons (again a new one!).

Nothing I actually could remember last month

Mod summary:
– 104 Mod projects all in all (=) (one moved to quick Mods)
– 24 games/Mods are already finished (+1)
– 19 Mods are unfortunately stopped/onhold by me (+4)
– 21 games are onhold/stopped/abandoned itself (+2)
– 39 are for games and Mods still in progress (-8)

Here also a summary of the Android ports/Quick Mods:
– 49 ports/quick Mods all in all (+7)

What’s next:
For the Mod updates I’m awaiting the “usuals” (like Rebirth (new chapter), Grandma’s House or The taming of the brat).
Still: unfortunately the last releases of Couples were not leaked anymore on F95zone, therefore no Mod updates for that game, too.

So, this was the first part of my (a bit shorter) Mod overview 4/2023. And hopefully the second one with the actual alphabetic Mod list is following soon.


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