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Info about me and my Mods – update!

June 26, 2022
Unfortunately it can be that I already have to do the next work travel tomorrow! My work colleague who actually should continue the external work I’ve begun this week got Covid…

So again the little “warning” that I’m most likely, if I have to travel again, maybe not be able to do proper Mod updates next week! Actually “The tamin of the brat” should already has been released, but there seems to be some problems. Don’t know if it drops later today, if not I will have to postpone my Mod for it. Also “Inertia” is announced to get public tomorrow. That update unfortunately I will definitely have to postpone then, maybe I even skip this release.

I could finish both (The taming of the brat and Inertia) befor the travel. I’ll try to update the posts here when I have a little free time on my work place.

Older news from June 22, 2022:
Since monday I’m on a work trip this week. I hoped it will be short and I can finish it today. But it seems now it will last at least till friday evening I can return home. That means I probably won’t be able to do Mod updates now (except a quick one made for Rebirth yesterday, but I updated only the AudioWT version, it’s also postet only on F95zone so far, too).

Also it seems this wasn’t the last work trip, there will be more of them in the next months. Unfortunately for me this will also interfere a bit with my small second job (really hope I find a solution for that). And, more important for you guys, maybe with my Mod updates now, too. I still will try to keep all of them updated, but it can happen now that I have to postpone a Mod update a bit. Or, worst case, even have to set it to on hold or drop it. Again, I’ll try to avoid that as much as I can, so this is more a info/warning from me in advance.

I will of course take my notebook with me (unfortunately it’s a bit old and with a tiny screen) and try to do some easier Mod updates with it in the evenings – but doing that is probably a pain in the ass with that small screen, it was already typing this post with it…

Well, let’s see what comes in the future. I already thought with my second job I would have to reduce my Mod activity drastically, but I somehow handled it. So hopefully it’s here not as bad as it looks now, too.


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2 years ago

ok, koga. have a safe trip home.
will wait another news and hopefully another mod from you

2 years ago
Reply to  koga3

