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Mod overview 6/2022 – Part 1

Hi guys. Since I’m on a work trip this week I’ll have to keep it short this time. So let’s start with the general Mod related news for 6/2022. And later in the next days the second part with the actual alphabetic Mod list.

New Mods / Updates:
Last month I started two new Mods: For a (finished) WVM side game, DITLO Harper, and for the game Kate. There’s actually a third one finished from me for another game, but I have not postet it so far (I’m not 100% sure if I continue it).

Hillside got the long awaited update, and since in this one wasn’t the from the dev mentioned self integrated music I one more time updated my Mod for it again and postponed my decision for the Mod future.

Again the last month as usual quite some Mod updates, too. If I counted right there were updates from me for 15 games since the last overview (the new ones not counted).

Stopped Mod’s:
“One and a half” Mods are stopped… The “half” one is for Such a Sharp Pain. I stopped the Mod since it got it’s own music now, but did also again a compatibility update + added the WT recommendations for the new content, too. But since the dev is integrating a WT also in the future I probably won’t do “full” updates anymore, maybe again a compatibility one but without a WT from me then also.

The full stopped Mod is for the game But I’m the bad guy?. There the from me a bit feard hard content got added now. I mean really hard content. That’s not for me, I therefore decided to stop that now, maybe I’ll do a compatibility update later, but definitely not for the new content anymore.

Actually a kinda copy from my last overview: Again VERY nice Mod download counts last month! Also the homepage visits are still just…wow! So again a Big Thanks to the ones following me here on my Homepage. But of course a Special Thanks to my Patrons on Patreon. And a Wow from me to the new Patrons who decided to even waste some money on me…

Thankfully nothing I can remember last month. Maybe the new game update for But I’m the bad guy?, but that would be unfair to the game dev. He mentioned such content from the game beginning. I only not expected that it’s getting to be that hard content.

What’s next:
Rebirth is already released and is on my list for an Mod update after my work trip. The taming of the brat should get an update next weekend and probably the usual monthly update for Guilty Pleasure is coming soon, too. Also a new Interia is already released for high tiers, and maybe also The Unbroken get an update next month. And probably much, much more…

So, this was the first part of my Mod overview 6/2022. And hopefully the second one with the actual alphabetic Mod list is following soon.


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