I’ve updated and also somehow finished my Mod for the game Part 1 (NOT PART 2!) since there were made changes from the developer to integrate a save transfer option for the new game Part 2 (v0.160). You have to play the game to the end, there you get asked to do this special save then.
This Mod is ONLY for the game Part 1 (v0.150)! The game part 2 already has a WT, maybe a Mod for this part isn’t really needed anymore.
Edit May 4, 2022
I finally had time to try the Android ports again. And now there is at least a solution to transfer the save from Part 1 to Part 2 manually. Here the link to my post for the ports and a little how to for the transfer: Android ports AWAM
Edit Aug. 25, 2022
The Mod for part 2 v0.165 is also compatible to the new game version v0.170, too.
To be done: the Android port
Edit Nov. 21, 2022
For the new game release v0.175 I had to adapt a few things in my Mod, the old one (v0.165) isn’t compatible anymore.
I therefore made now an own new Mod post for the Part 2 Mod version: Link Mod part 2
Also here a link to the Android versions for Part 1 and Part 2: Link Android ports
Link to F95zone game page HERE and my Mod post HERE
Mod functions: music/status/cheat/walkthrough/add.settings
Mod for Part 1, version with cheating and walkthrough
Download link Mod only v0.151WT (~9MB):
Workupload – MediaFire
Mod for Part 1, version with cheating, walkthrough and additional music
Download link Mod only v0.151AudioWT (~134MB):
Workupload – MediaFire
Mod for Part 2 with cheating and additional music
(walkthrough already in the main game)
Info Nov. 21, 2022: removed the here now outdated downloads for part 2, see the info above
Some ingame pictures of the Mod (Part 1):
Ok is the not bad 👍
how to download main game, a wife and mother part 1?
– F95zone: https://f95zone.to/threads/a-wife-and-mother-v0-220-lust-passion.5944/
– Dikgames: https://dikgames.com/a-wife-and-mother/
Help please, how do I load the download for the mod for AWAM into the game? I’m new to all this.
Here a short install info (for Windows)
Help please, how do i load the mod into the game. I’m new to all this! I’m trying to upload the patch for AWAM and it didn’t like it.
Help please. How do I load the download mod into the AWAM game?
Add please game world of sister
Add please game mod GORDON V.1.9 BETA Thanks!
Thanks for the suggestion. But unfortunately not really time for new Mods at the moment. Besides, it’s a sandbox game, not my cup of tea anyway. Sorry.
Info: There’s a cheat Mod available already (but not updated so far for the latest game version): https://f95zone.to/threads/gordon-v1-9-beta-hotfix-1-jtstudio.74509/post-7669199