Hi. Here again my little Mod overview for 2/2024.
No “unusual” game/Mod news last month, therefore I’ll keep it short again. Well, let’s start.
New Mods / Updates:
Again no new “full” Mod project last month, also less new “Quick Mods/ports” as usual, too. I still try to not add to many new ones because of the lack of free time I have since the last weeks (work, personal things). But at least three new games I added into my “list”: University Days, Whoremonger NTE and Sins of the Father.
But quite some updates last Month: 14 for Mod projects, and about 10 for the Quick Mods/ports. And as usual I even don’t count the “double” Mod/port updates for games
Finished Mod’s:
One Mod project got the final update last month: 23 Sisters. Still have two games from this developer in progress (“Extra Credit” and “Tomboy Supremacy”)
Stopped Mod’s:
I stopped a few “Quick Mods/ports” because there was no game progress/developement for a long time like Blank Canvas” or The Artists. I also stopped my Mod/port for the game Companion of Darkness, there are already multiple others making Mods/ports for this game.
In short: a paste/copy from the months before. Mod downloads are still impressive, the site here and my Discord are quite frequented, and of course again a big Thanks to my Patrons (even some new ones, Thanks!)
Nothing that really matters for the last month. Maybe one dude on F95zone who was suddenly badmouthing my Mods because I didn’t accept his weird/special Mod demands for a game. Well, shit happens. But it seems he got reported there, maybe even banned since he did that stunt with others on F95zone, too.
My Mod projects summary:
– 108 Mod projects all in all
– 29 games/Mods are already finished
– 21 Mods are unfortunately stopped/onhold by me
– 27 games are onhold/stopped/abandoned itself
– 31 are for games and Mods still in progress
Summary of the Android ports/Quick Mods:
– 123 quick Mods/Android ports (78 ongoing / 14 finished / 31 discontinued)
So, this was the first part of my Mod overview 2/2024. I’ll try to post Part 2 (with the actual alphabetic Mod list) hopefully later today.