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Mod news/overview 11/2023 – Part 1

Hi. It’s time again for my little Mod overview for 11/2023.
I’ll keep it short again. There actually, apart from the Mod updates, were no “unusual news” last month.

New Mods / Updates:
Again no new “full” Mod project last month, but also again quite some new “Quick Mods/ports”: Broken Promise, Hardenville, A Thousend Rounds, Nephilim, The Swordbearer and Meeting her.

Last Month a bit less updates for Mod projects (5), but 14 for the Quick Mods/ports. As usual not “double” counted are the multiple updates for games.

Finished Mod’s:
The game Free Pass and my little gallery unlocker for it got finished. And there were updates for the actually already finished games A Petal among Thorns and Milfy City. There would have been (again) also a small bugfix for Returning for Mia, but I skipped a port update so far, it’s not that much change anyway.

Stopped Mod’s:
Non from me this month. After checking all of my Mods lately it seems a few games are abandoned, like Off the pitch or Critical Visit.

In short: a paste/copy from the months before. Mod downloads are still impressive, the site here and my Discord are quite frequented, and of course again a big Thanks to my Patrons.

After the two bad news last month thank god this time nothing I can remember. Let’s hope it stays so.

My Mod projects summary:
– 109 Mod projects all in all
– 27 games/Mods are already finished
– 20 Mods are unfortunately stopped/onhold by me
– 26 games are onhold/stopped/abandoned itself
– 36 are for games and Mods still in progress

Summary of the Android ports/Quick Mods:
– 92 quick Mods/Android ports (63 ongoing / 10 finished / 19 discontinued)

So, this was the first part of my Mod overview 11/2023. I’ll post Part 2 (with the actual alphabetic Mod list) hopefully soon, too.


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